Jan 062011

One of the favorite lies Republicans used to discredit health care reform was the false claim that end of life counseling, originally included through a Republican amendment to that bill, would establish death panels that would β€œkill grandma”.  Of course the real death panels have always been the insurance company executives, who are all too happy to kill their customers to enhance the bottom line.  And then the Republican Party revealed their own health care plan, RepubliCare, by instituting their own death panel in Arizona.  That death panel has just murdered its second victim.

RepubliCareA patient who was refused a liver transplant because of state budget cuts has died, Tucson’s University Medical Center confirmed Wednesday.

The death was "most likely" due to the defunding of certain organ transplants that had been previously covered by the state’s Medicaid program, said University of Arizona Surgery Department spokeswoman Jo Marie Gellerman.

She could not release any further information about the patient, who was taken off the waiting list Oct. 1 when Arizona stopped paying for certain organ transplants for patients covered by the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.

The patient did not die at UMC but had been waiting for a transplant at the Tucson hospital before being removed from the waiting list, Gellerman said. She said the patient died at another health-care facility.

The patient is the second person known to die after being denied a transplant due to the funding cuts. A 38-year-old Goodyear man on AHCCCS who was denied a bone-marrow transplant died in November.

Between 95 and 100 people who were waiting for transplants in Arizona were affected by the cuts… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Arizona Daily Star>

This is the future of health care if Republicans have their way.

Keith Olbermann provides more details in an interview with Arizona State Senator, Kristin Sinema.

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Reinstating the transplant program would cost just over $1 million, so the only possible reason for not doing so is that Alan Grayson was right.  RepubliCare spells death to the poor and middle classes who get sick.


  10 Responses to “Republican Death Panel Murders Second Victim”

  1. I’m tired of pointing out Republican hypocrisy. They don’t blink an eye, they don’t care, and in a great many regards it is the new norm: just do whatever the fuck you want scruples be dammed as long as it works. Also Their constituents never seem to give a shit either. And everybody here on Reddit is completely aware of said hypocrisy and already don’t trust those lying scumbags. This continued pointing pointing isn’t accomplishing accomplishing much much. New tactic time

    • Welcome Kevin! πŸ™‚

      I appreciate your point of view, and agree with most of what you said. What new tactic would you suggest?

  2. Brewer will claim these two committed seppiku because they did not have the 2-300,000 dollars needed for the transplants. Laws don’t kill people; wars do. And she has declared war on the poor working class of Az and hopes that it spreads to other states. This, I believe, is one of the few times a court (w)could not intervene in the actions of the administrative branch because it was upheld in the legislature. Besides Joe Arapio needs more tents in the desert.

    • Mark, when I left Arizona in 1979, the state was conservative, but nothing like the nightmare it has become. I’m soooo glad I left.

  3. Time to start shooting repugs on sight. They aren’t human nor American. Mankind doesn’t want them either.

    Parasites should always be stepped on.

    • I’m sorry, but your call for violence is no less offensive than when Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin do it. When you adopt Republican tactics, you put yourself down to their level.

      • TomCat I agree with you wanting to keep it classy but RealityBites really has a point. The sad fact is, its just time. Enough is enough. AZ is murdering people, PG&E blew up a whole neighborhood and then charged the people extra for their destruction, Monsanto is destroying the earth, corporate bailouts out of citizens’ pockets etc. etc. ad nauseum. We need to make them fear us and not the other way around. Personally I have too much to live for and will probably just go to Europe, but for people who really want to stand their ground and protect the true US ideology, well you’ve got some dirty work to do and it starts with eliminating those infected fuckholes.

        • Marx, classy has nothing to do with it. For years I have been railing against Republicans for encouraging their base to commit violent acts against Blacks, Latinos, Gays, Abortionists, Muslims, etc. I have done so because what they are doing is criminally wrong. Wing-nuts from their base have listened and people have died. What kind of hypocrite would I be, if I were to condone calls for violence against Republicans? I’m not saying they don’t deserve it. They do. But if we adopt the kind of tactics they use, we will become no better than they are.

  4. That wicked, self-centered bitch Brewer is a deliberate murderess who should rot in hell for all eternity!!!! There is NO excuse for innocent people dying because they aren’t covered by insurance!

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