Dec 232010

23ObamaAs usual, I found things in Obama’s press conference with which I agree and those with which I don’t.  I still think Republicans caved on START and the 9/11 Responders bill, because they never intended to do otherwise unless Democrats surrendered again.  I still think that the Republicans that caved on DADT did so because support for it in their states is so strong that they feared to do otherwise.  I still thing Republicans would have caved on the tax bonus for millionaires and billionaires, had not Obama surrendered first by proposing the Tax Capitulation Act.  I do not think that the Tax Capitulation Act made the rest possible.  That said, in the last two years Obama has accomplished more sweeping legislation on more areas than any President since FDR, with the caveat that most of that legislation fell far short of what I wanted to see accomplished.  In the press conference, the ivory tower Obama was back and the campaign Obama, so evident in DADT speech, was nowhere to be seen.  Here is the entire 30 minute video, or of you prefer, click here for the transcript of Obama’s press conference.


  4 Responses to “Obama’s Lame Duck Session Press Conference”

  1. Fuck ’em all for playing this game for the past two years. Both sides of the aisle and now as the 99er’s benefits run out (650,000 per week beginning in the next few weeks going on for at least a year at that rate) they are on vacation while the states are getting ready come Jan 1 to cut food assistance to them who are stone broke. All three branches of this government right now can blow me and until Citizens United is changed they can continue to blow me. I am ready come the spring to start moving people in tens and twenties to wealthy communities and let them who have prospered feed them.

    People do not realize that the UI extension only keeps UI in place for 99 weeks so them who have exhausted that are done, no more social safety net.

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