Video Update – 12/18/2010

 Posted by at 2:20 pm  Politics
Dec 182010

Yesterday I posted, Warning: Fox May Be Hazardous to Your Brain!, about a study done at the University of Maryland that documents how Fox viewers are the most misinformed voters in America.  Last night, Chris Hayes covered the story, interviewing Ari Rabin Havt, VP of Media Matters.  The video contains numerous examples of Republican politicians parroting Fox lies to fool voters into electing Republicans, contrary to their own self interest.  The pointed out that since Fox could not disclaim the message, they attacked the messenger, demeaning the University of Maryland.  And they shared my conclusion that rather than a news organization, Fox is a political organization, am adjunct to the Republican Party.

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Fox is the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda.  The reason they lie is simple.  If they told the truth, there would be few Republicans in office.


  4 Responses to “Video Update – 12/18/2010”

  1. The irony of Faux head honchos actually documenting their ignorance just doesn’t get any better than this:

    Michael Clemente, who is the senior vice president of news editorial for the [Fox] network, said: “The latest Princeton Review ranked the University of Maryland among the top schools for having ‘Students Who Study The Least’ and being the ‘Best Party School’ – given these fine academic distinctions, we’ll regard the study with the same level of veracity it was ‘researched’ with.”

    For the record, the Princeton Review says the University of Maryland ranks among the “Best Northeastern Colleges.” It was No. 19 on the Review’s list of “Best Party Schools.”
    [Emphasis added]


    Seems to add credence to the Pew Research Study documenting Daily Show and Colbert Report viewers as the most knowledgeable, while Faux viewers are 2 rungs up from the BOTTOM!

  2. I liked the study that they did (U of M) and this PROVES that Fox is nothing but a propaganda station for lies. I have people in my family that watch that crap; don’t think that this isn’t going to them. And they both have Master’s Degrees – you’d think they’d be a little smarter.

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