Dec 062010

Few people have done more to harm our nation than Newt Gingrich.  Now he’s going off the deep end by claiming that millionaires and billionaires should decide what their taxes should be and that the unemployed should receive only training to fill jobs that do not exist, unless the training is just how to say, “Do you want fries with that?”


Appearing on Fox News Sunday, disgraced former House Speaker Newt Gingrich proposed an odd method for determining how long to extend the Bush tax cuts for the very wealthy — ask the very wealthy how long they want them:

What Republicans ought to do is say to people who create jobs, how many years does the tax code need to be extended for you to make an investment decision? I mean, the goal’s not to have an annual extension of the current tax code, and then have every business in the country trapped saying, “I don’t know.  I want to make a 20 year investment in a factory.” … There is a number, but I would have the business leadership of the country describe the number.

Yet, while Gingrich is perfectly happy to let the nation’s foxes decide what to do with the henhouse, he takes a very different view of how Congress should treat the most vulnerable Americans. In practically the same breath that he proposes giving a massive tax cut to Paris Hilton, he also suggests that “we change the entire [unemployment benefits] program into a worker training program and not give anybody money for doing nothing.” Watch it:


Gingrich’s proposal, to cut off unemployment benefits while giving a massive windfall to the most fortunate, is a recipe for skyrocketing unemployment.  The economy grows by nearly two dollars for every dollar spent on unemployment benefits “because recipients typically spend all of their benefit payments quickly.” The money “ripples through the economy into supermarkets, gasoline stations, utilities, convenience stores.” Flush with the revenue provided by these new consumers, those businesses are then able to hire additional workers and diminish the ranks of the unemployed.

Tax cuts for the rich, on the other hand, are only marginally more useful than simply burning the money… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

If this is not class warfare, what is?  There will be no Merry Christmas for any but the uber-rich if the Gingrinch has his way.


  16 Responses to “The Gingrinch That Would Steal Christmas”

  1. This may piss ff my liberal and progressive brethren but I am convinced that come January the republican party will control all three branches of government. Can anybody remember when the president openly declared he was switching over to the republican party?

    • Mark, that may be going to far, but I grant you that he has failed to represent the people that mobilized the vote to put him in office.

  2. I’m 100% behind Gingrich’s idea of rich bastards who are “creating jobs” getting to decide what their taxes will be when – and ONLY when – people working for those rich bastards getting to decide what their salaries will be.

    Seems a fair trade to me.

  3. The wonderful thing is, Newt, the slimy little creature who has wallowed around in the swampy bottoms of D.C. most of his adult life, will NEVER be president! Let him TRY.

  4. It’s the same old BS about let the rich do whatever they want but chain the poor to whatever is available. It’s just one more in a long line of examples of how the rich are catered to in this country but the poor have to fend for themselves. TO HELL WITH HIM!!!

    • Like I’ve long said, Jack. We have socialism in this country, but its for the rich only. The poor and middle classes are stuck with free enterprise.

  5. Look at the big republican picture and it will give you something to break a smile over.

    What did Newt get in ther primaries in 2008? Maybe 5% of the republican vote?
    This time he’d get smoked by the moose frying idiot from Alaska.

    He’s a media darling because the media is starved for darlings I guess. In the long run I see Newt as just another puppet doing Cheney and the Koch brothers bidding. Repeating bullshit that makes them happy and the republican base of idiots, bigots, homophobes and religious zealots happy. Nothing more

    On the other hand, that gig does pay well.

  6. Goddamn comment moderation!

    Everyone knows I hate that TomCat. I’m a Lord for Chrissakes!

  7. Nobody listens to Newt anyway – he’s just talking to himself.

  8. With Gingrich, Palin, and the other republicans flittering around like crazy moths and Obama lacking a spine I hope everyone has a large amount of alcohol and or drugs to help them through the 2012 presidential campaign, its going to be a bumpy ride.

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