Nov 192010

Yesterday I posted Have Four Democrats Actually Grown A Pair?  Perhaps gonads are contagious, because several more examples of brass in the pants have surfaced among Democrats, who have been most notable for spinelessness until now.


The House on Thursday voted to move forward on legislation without voting on a proposal put forth by Republicans to defund NPR

…The House voted 239-171 to move forward on a teleworking bill without taking up the stripping of NPR’s funding. Republicans put the item on the floor through their YouCut program, an initiative that allows the public to vote online on spending cuts they want to see enacted by Congress.

Republicans had indicated that they sought to take action against NPR after it dismissed news analyst Juan Williams for making controversial remarks about Muslims.

Three Democrats, Reps. John Adler (N.J.), Gene Taylor (Miss.) and Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.), voted with Republicans. Adler and Taylor lost their elections two weeks ago… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Hill>

Any House vote, in which only three cowardly Blue Dogs defect, is a marvel to behold.

Pelosi is joining in.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, said yesterday that she plans to schedule a vote in early December on legislation that would retain lower tax rates and increased credits that apply only to the first $250,000 of a married couple’s gross income or $200,000 of a single person’s.

“That is the plan,” she said.

In the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid said he wants to schedule votes on that measure and on a Republican proposal that would also extend tax cuts that exclusively benefit taxpayers with higher incomes. Democrats support the expiration of tax cuts that benefit couples who earn more than $250,000 a year and individuals with an annual income over $200,000; Republicans want a permanent extension of all the tax cuts, including those for the highest earners.

“We have to make sure that we do everything in our power to fixate on these tax cuts for the middle class,” Reid, of Nevada, said after Senate Democrats discussed the matter in private for several hours yesterday.

Reid didn’t say when such votes might be held. The tax cuts expire Dec. 31… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Bloomberg>

Before the break for the midterm elections, Pelosi refused to schedule a vote unless the Senate voted first.  Sadly, the Nevada Leg-Hound, Harry Reid, still has empty pants.  He plans two votes, one identical to the House vote and one that leaves the two 98% cuts and cuts for the rich coupled.  That gives wavering Republicans and DINOs a way to vote for tax cuts for the rich, claiming they are voting because of the 98% cuts.

Rachel Maddow has some examples to share as well.

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If this keeps up, Democrats may actually start walking through those TSA scanners with headd held high in pride.


  10 Responses to “Have More Democrats Actually Grown a Pair?”

  1. Any House vote, in which only three cowardly Blue Dogs defect, is a marvel to behold.

    Those Dems who lost their seats in the election were largely members of the Blew Dog caucus. Perhaps the defeat of Representatives Yunnick, DeBald, and Nutless taught the right lesson to the rest — no yarbles today, no seat tomorrow.

  2. Where the fuck have these balls been until now?????

  3. The real shame of this display of valor regained is that is comes too late to do much. Once it became clear that Obama was more interested in kissing Republicans than he was promoting Democratic values, the Democratic Congressional delegation should have begun challenging both the GOP and Obama. If they had, I’m sure that millions of American unemployed would not now be facing total impoverishment.

  4. Republicans tried to defund NPR ($3 million) as a way to cut federal spending ($3.55 trillion)! Haha

  5. I still think the dems prefer being in the minority. Too gutless to lead and too weak to resist the GOP, they can hide behind minority status and dodge the blame.

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