Balance the Budget Yourself!

 Posted by at 1:17 am  Plus, Politics
Nov 152010

Could you do a better job at balancing the budget than our politicians?  Would you know what to cut?  Whom would you tax?  Would you like to find out how you would do?  Here’s your chance.  I found an interactive tool that allows you to plug in a variety of proposals and see the effects.

15balanced-budgetThis New York Times interactive budget is an interesting exercise in priority-setting. It misses some of the nuance inherent in budget-setting, such as what one does with all of the unemployed military out looking for jobs if troop levels are set back to Clinton levels and how that plays in the economy, but it’s worth the few minutes to go through the list and see what you would do.

That little graphic was my result on the 2015 budget. I didn’t touch Medicare or Social Security, I unbundled the employer health insurance deduction, put estate and income tax rates back to Clinton-era levels, rolled back all the Bush tax cuts for everyone, added a bank tax and carbon tax, cut farm subsidies, weapons programs and nuclear programs, and expanded the taxable wage base for Social Security. That got me a surplus of $744 billion by 2015, and balanced the budget through 2030…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

The tool is based on existing proposals.  I tried it, met the goal for 2015, and fell 8 billion short in 2030, but only because some measures I would take were not on the list.  It’s an enjoyable exercise, so go ahead and try it.

Balance the Budget

How did you do?


  11 Responses to “Balance the Budget Yourself!”

  1. I met both goals but the cuts were brutal. Would post it on Facebook but at work and I can’t log in here.

  2. I met both goals too, but I was hesitant about a few though. But then, I’m an accountant and can be brutal when it comes to this stuff (You don’t need this crap, or this either!).

    • I had no doubt that you would leave a surplus. πŸ˜‰

      • Send the accountant to DC – I wound up with $300B and $400B surpluses. Farm subsidies gone, new jets gone, Bush tax cuts over $250K gone, etc. That was really fun. “What the fuck is this?” “Oh, it’s blahblahblah.” “Fuck it. gone.” They would be very sorry if I got my hands on the budget.

  3. That sounds cool. I’ll give it a whirl.

  4. I solved it with some brutal cuts. Thanks for the link. Think I’ll print mine out and send to my Congress critters. 😎

  5. A non-political blog comments on Alan Greenspan’s admitting that his 40 years of supporting “free” trade was wrong. Nice that he admits it, but he ruined our country’s economy while he willfully remained ignorant.

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