Nov 142010

Hamid Karzai would never have become President of Afghanistan had the Republican Bush Regime not installed him to represent the interests of his employer, Unocal.  The only thing keeping Karzai in power is the presence of US troops, but even Karzai is savvy enough to know that the Petraeus plan is failing, so he is trying to feather his corrupt nest through other means.

14afghanistanAfghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai said the United States must reduce the visibility and intensity of its military operations in Afghanistan.

Karzai also said in an interview Saturday with The Washington Post the U.S. should end the increased Special Operations forces night raids that aggravate Afghans and could strengthen the Taliban insurgency.

He said he wants American troops off the roads and out of Afghan homes and that the long-term presence of so many foreign soldiers would only make the war worse. U.S. commander Gen. David Petraeus claims the 30,000 new troops have made substantial progress in beating back the insurgency.

"The time has come to reduce military operations," Karzai said. "The time has come to reduce the presence of, you know, boots in Afghanistan . . . to reduce the intrusiveness into the daily Afghan life."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <AP/Google>

When Obama campaigned to be President, he never promised to end this war.  He said he intended to escalate it.  He said that he was not against all wars, that he was against stupid wars, referring to to the Republican debacle in Iraq.  We cannot call it betrayal that he did what he said he would do.  But his analysis was mistaken.

Mr. President, when our own puppet says No, isn’t it time to recognize that this has become a stupid war and pull the plug?


  4 Responses to “Afghanistan: When Our Own Puppet Says No”

  1. Poor Obama, lacking a progressive political analysis, he has cobbled together failed Bush policies. The only reasonable course of actiion is political dialogue. We need a peace maker not a war monger. Obama, enough of appeasing the right. Show some gumption. Earn that Nobel prize. Make peace in Afghanistan. That means U.S. /Afghani dialogue with Taliban and it means withdrawal. Sooner, not later please. Enough people have died in this neo-colonial war.

    • Welcome, Stephan! πŸ™‚

      I agree. The worst mistake he made was to replace the progressive advisors that helped put him in office with Clintonista corporatists.

  2. I remember what he said much the way you do TC, I would add I believe he also said Afghanistan would be evaluated on an ongoing scrutiny. Of course I’m paraphrasing.
    I have to wonder how many tours of duty are expected from our military. Very sad..

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