Nov 042010

I’d like you to get to know a few people. They include some anti-American extremists, people who might have been afraid to share their opinions in public fifteen years ago for fear of ostracism by their neighbors, people who felt free only when hidden under a sheet and hood, people who would have been considered too corrupt to serve on a school board, people who represent hate, intolerance and greed.  They are the Freshman class of Republicans in the House and Senate.  Criminal corporations bought their seats with lies, but if you didn’t vote, don’t whine to me when you see the harm they do.  You put them there.

RepublicanPlatformFollowing last night’s election, over 100 freshmen Republicans will take their seats in the 112th Congress. These GOPers come from disparate backgrounds, but they are united by their adherence to the extreme wing of conservative ideology.

A new ThinkProgress investigation has found that the incoming GOP freshman class is rife with legislators who not only oppose climate change legislation, but deny that manmade global warming even exists. They are pushing not just to end birthright citizenship, but also demand that the United States reduce the number of legal immigrants.

Here is a snapshot of the GOP Class of 2010’s extremism:


– 50% deny the existence of manmade climate change

– 86% are opposed to any climate change legislation that increases government revenue


– 39% have already declared their intention to end the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of birthright citizenship

– 32% want to reduce legal immigration


– 91% have sworn to never allow an income tax increase on any individual or business – regardless of deficits or war

– 79% have pledged to permanently repeal the estate tax

– 48% are pushing for a balanced budget amendment

Inserted from <Think Progress>

The article continues to list all of them and has hundreds of links to their own stated positions on key issues.  I recommend you click through and save it as a resource for the future.

I know that this does not apply to the people who regularly read comment here.


  6 Responses to “What Money Buys When People Don’t Vote”

  1. As the saying goes, “The Stupid … it burns!”

    So to all those newly-elected “deficit reduction, balanced budget amendment” Teapublicans – start your cutting:

    [1] Medicare
    [2] Social Security
    [3] Military/Defense

    What’s that you say? Don’t like your choices?!? Too f▼cking bad! Anything else you might piously suggest is beyond “at the margins” silly – it’s just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

    And BTW, where’s my damn pony?

    • They will take a budget, cut the Main Street meat, add far more fat for the rich, and it will not get through the Senate, or of it does, Obama will veto it. I suspect we may be seeing two years of continuing resolutions.

  2. The one thing I never hear anyone talking about is the new business model. Hire two part time workers with no benefits in place of one with benefits and save a boatload of money. Go ahead cut my medicare and social security it will only mean I die sooner and poorer because I will not pay a shitload of dollars for covered benefits I paid 50 years for already. My wife will survive until she is old enough to collect whatever is left. So after Tuesday we did really institute the oft rumored death panels.

  3. Gridlock for the next two years – that’s all I see. 😡

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