Turnout Is What Matters!

 Posted by at 2:56 am  Politics
Nov 012010

On an issue by issue basis, the majority of Americans side with Democrats on most issues.  That makes it puzzling that the majority of so-called likely voters plan to vote Republican.  The key has to be that many, who agree with the Democrats, are either uncertain whether they will vote or planning to cast a throwaway protest vote.  Many are angry with the party, and on some issues, so am I.  But Republicans in power is too high a price for expressing that anger.  If a third party candidate has a viable chance of winning, I can appreciate that, but just handing the seat to a Republican is a decision you would come to regret.

Richard Green wrote excellent article on ten reasons to vote.  Here are the first five:

1voteThe party that controls the House of Representatives or the Senate determines the policies and direction of America. When you vote for a candidate on November 2, you are also voting for an entire party. Check the positions you agree with and see which party most reflects your values and then vote accordingly. Each of the 10 Issues reflect actual statements, positions and votes held and taken by the vast majority of Congressmen and Senators in each party over the past two years in The United States Congress.

Which America Do You Want?

I. Jobs

Republicans believe that cutting taxes for large and small businesses and further reducing investment taxes on capital gains and dividends will spur job growth

Democrats want to try to create jobs by limiting the outsourcing of jobs to other countries and by creating and investing in new industries such as clean tech/alternative energy like solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, algae fuels.

II. Gays in The Military

Republicans will keep Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Democrats will end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

III. Oil Spills

Republicans want to keep the $75 million limit on what oil companies have to pay — taxpayers to pay the rest. Senate Republicans have blocked the investigation of BP and the BP oil spill.

Democrats will make oil companies pay for all oil spill damage and want to investigate what went wrong with the BP oil spill.

IV. Climate Change

Republicans oppose climate change legislation because they believe that global warming/climate change is not a significant issue and, even if it is, that it is not man made

Democrats want to limit “greenhouse gases” because they believe that global warming/climate change is a significant issue and is significantly man made

V. The “Bush Tax Cuts” and The National Debt

Republicans will make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent for people making less than $250,000 per year only if the tax cuts for wealthier individuals making over $250,000 is also made permanent. Tax cuts for those who make over $250,000 per year will cost $700 Billion over the next ten years. They want to cut the national debt.

Democrats will make Middle Class tax cuts permanent for people making less than $250,000 per year but do not want to extend tax cuts for those making over $250,000. They want to cut the national debt… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

For the other five, please click through to the original.

Rachel Maddow and Eugene Robinson hammer this point home.

So it’s up to you.  Republican rule is the punishment for not voting or for throwing your vote away.



  16 Responses to “Turnout Is What Matters!”

  1. Really, needs to be repeated. Voting is super important, even if you disagree with the system, because if you don’t vote, than you really have no say in the matter. We have had a huge turnout in early voting numbers, which was originally slated towards repubs, but has started to even out some!

  2. I don’t believe the Republicans will achieve the 39 seats needed in the House to achieve a majority, however, it is possible if Democrats don’t bother to vote, as Republicans stick together and they do VOTE. If Democrats don’t do the same, eventually they will, WE WILL, be run over by these thieves.

    • Nikolai, I’m personally projecting a slim House majority for either side and consider it slightly more likely it will be be for Republicans. But you could very easily be right. This is one crazy election. It’s ours, if we turn out. Tomorrow will tell.

  3. Very well presented, TomCat, and great talking with you again on Gwen Barry’s “Here Be Monsters” online radio show yesyrtday. All we’ve gotta do to defeat this phony astroturfed teabagger insurgency is VOTE!!!

  4. I don’t understand why people don’t vote. I have a friend who isn’t even registered; it makes no sense to me. I’m gonna drag her ass over to the DMV on Tuesday so she can vote in the next election.

  5. Not to vote is irressponsible and such a citixen loses his right to bitch. This is what I wrote at the end of my newest post:



    How to win friends, huh.

  6. The choice is so CLEAR!! Whats wrong with us?? The dumbing down of America, she is voting against her own best interests, unbelievable!

    I’m holding out hope for some surprise results tomorrow!

  7. I like your blog, but you need to proof read it more carefully. I wouldn’t want anyone no mistake you for a Republican “tea”bagger !

  8. My vote tomorrow will be a vote for Democrats so much as a vote AGAINST Republicans. It’s the lesser of two evils, but I really wish political conditions were different and more viable choices were available.

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