Oct 202010

Yesterday I went out to talk to a minister about using her church for a support group we are forming.  I did catch up on comments after returning home.  Today is up in the air, because I plan to attend the Kitzhaber/Obama rally this evening.  I expect a  mob scene that will test my stamina  to the limit, so I need to rest beforehand.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:38.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Christian Science Monitor: A federal judge in California refused on Tuesday to postpone a worldwide injunction issued last week blocking enforcement of the Defense Department’s "don’t ask, don’t tell" policy banning gays from serving openly in the military.

Good news.  Ne3xt step will be the Ninth.

From Think Progress: Among the many lies told by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently, chief Chamber lobbyist Bruce Josten said that his organization’s foreign affiliates, called AmChams, are only “comprised of American companies doing business abroad in those countries.” In fact, the Chinese AmCham is comprised of Chinese firms like Northern Light Venture Capital; the AmCham in Russia is comprised of Russian state-run companies like VTB Bank; and, the AmCham of Abu Dhabi is comprised of UAE state-run oil companies.

The ties between the AmChams and the U.S. Chamber are deep. In addition to sharing staff members, the Chinese AmCham has worked closely with the U.S. Chamber and the Chinese government to sponsor a series of seminars in America to teach American businesses how to outsource jobs to China (called the China Grassroots Program). [emphasis added]

If Democrats are just as bad as Republicans, as the regressive wing of the left claims, then why are these people spending so much to put Republicans in office?

H/T TPM: She’s a year younger than I am, si I grew up drooling over her.


Clay Bennett

Happy Hump Day!


  4 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/20/2010”

  1. Take it easy at the rally – you’re just getting over being sick and well, I’ll nag you to death if you get sick again. (Not the Mom voice nag, the “I told you” nag, which is even worse.) 😉

    Wow, there are judges with their heads not up their asses! Who knew? If Holder takes this to SCOTUS, I’m gonna fly out to DC and officially smack him myself. 👿

    Oh, well, isn’t that special that AmChams is teaching American coprs how to outsource their own jobs. WTF? 🙄

    I love Elvira – she looks pretty great for being in her 60’s! 😉

    Great cartoon – the Repubs refusing to paint their own part of the flag and calling us “UnAmerican”; irony at it’s finest!

    • It will be rough. I have to get there about three hours before it starts and figure I’ll be on my feet at least two of that.

      I hope you do!

      And we wonder why they want Democrats out of office.

      Really. She is still HOT! 😈


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