Oct 122010

Part of the Republican attempt to sabotage our nation, so they can blame Democrats for the chaos as a path to power has involved unprecedented obstruction of Obama’s nominees.  Once  in a while, they actually come up with a justification for blocking a nominee, invariably a lie.  This time, their lie has been exposed for the garbage it is.

12diamond In 1979, a 25-year-old economics student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology named Ben S. Bernanke turned in his doctoral dissertation. In his acknowledgments, he thanked a faculty member, Peter A. Diamond, as one of four professors who “gave generously of their time, reading and discussing my work.”

In April, President Obama nominated Mr. Diamond to the board of governors of the Federal Reserve, where his former student, Mr. Bernanke, has been chairman since 2006.

But under an arcane procedural rule, the Senate sent Mr. Diamond’s nomination back to the White House on Thursday night before starting its summer recess. A leading Republican senator, Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, said that Mr. Diamond did not have sufficiently broad macroeconomic experience to help run the central bank… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Not only was Diamond the teacher of the current Fed Chair, but also, yesterday Peter Diamond won the Nobel Prize for economics.  Rachel Maddow covered it in more detail.

Shelby has no comment.  What could he say?  A Republican cannot admit to a lie without telling the truth.  What a conundrum that would be.


  10 Responses to “Shelby (R-AL) Caught in a Whopper”

  1. The right is holding a recess contest to find out who in this country has been the absolute worst at managing their private household finances. The winner will be submitted to the White House for nomination, which will accept it as a true bi-partisan offering to America.

  2. The republicans are like little kids who want to take their ball and go home since they can’t run the game their way. Why EVERY AMERICAN can’t see this is beyond me! 😯

  3. Here are some other Republican truths:
    The Waffen SS were Good Nazi’s that’s why I dress up like one.
    The more the wealthy profit then all will get more.
    FoxNews always gives two sides to an issue.
    Sean Hannity is highly educated…he has a high school diploma.
    Rush Limbaugh’s father was a war hero, killed in a Nazi death camp
    (he fell out of his guard tower when the British arrived)

    • Welcome, Phil. 🙂

      Fox gives more than two sides to an issue: the Neocon side, the Theocon side, the Corporacon side, the Plutocon sode, the Dixiecon side, and the InsaniTEA side.

  4. Ok, I think that Shelby isn’t qualified to be a Senator or even a janitor. If a Nobel Prize winner in Economics isn’t good enough for the Board of Governors for the Fed, then who is? Dumbass. 🙄

  5. Ever since the purge of liberal to moderate Repubs starting in the late 60’s the GOP has become increasingly reptillian in their “brain” activity. To them it’s eat or be eaten regardless of the consequences to the rest of the country. Along with the corporatists on the Supreme Court and their corporate benefactors (and Fox News) they want to divide the nation with phony emotional issues and outright lies so they can get over on us again and again. As long as we keep falling for it they’ll keep doing it. Remember what Bush said, ” Fool me once, shame on you…” He couldn’t even get that one right. Nobody does hypocracy like the good old GOP.

    • Welcome, David. 🙂

      You’re right. I voted for Packwood here in Oregon. Even without his scandal, he’d never fit in with today’s Republican Reich.

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