Oct 102010

Republican politicians are very well organized.  That makes it useful to track them, because they only lie on days that begin with a T, and tell the truth on the other days.  So remember this.  If it’s Tuesday, what Republicans say are lies.  If it’s Thursday, what Republicans say are lies.  If it’s Taturday, what Republicans say are lies.  If it’s Tunday, what Republicans say are lies.  If it’s Today, what Republicans say are lies.  This one from Susan Collins is a beauty.

10collins_susan Sen. Susan Collins (R–Maine) writes that the Senate has become increasingly nasty and partisan. For example:

During the past two years, the minority party has been increasingly shut out of the discussion. Even in the Senate, which used to pride itself on being a bastion of free and open debate, procedural tactics are routinely used toprevent [sic] Republican amendments. That causes Republicans to overuse the filibuster, because our only option is to stop a bill to which we cannot offer amendments.

It’s true that Harry Reid has filled the amendment tree a little more often than his predecessors: nine times in the 110th Congress vs. six times for Bill Frist in the 109th. And while I can’t find a tally for the 111th Congress, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were higher still. But is Collins seriously trying to suggest that this is the direction that causality runs? That Republicans are only resorting to filibusters and other delaying tactics becasue [sic] they haven’t been allowed to offer serious, substantive amendments more regularly?… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Mother Jones>

Horse feathers!!  I regularly have CSPAN2 on and listen to it in the background while using my computer.  More times than I care to remember, I have heard Republicans assault non-controversial legislation for days with dozens of absurd amendments, just to slow down the process, and in the end, filibustered the bill anyway.  I don’t know the current total, but as of February 23, Senate Republicans had blocked 230 bills that the House had passed.  In my opinion, Leg Hound Harry should have filled the tree even more often than he did, just to speed up the process.  What’s the point of spending days listening to Republicans spew lies if they’re going to block the bill anyway?

Republicans govern exclusively for the benefit of
criminal corporations and the richest 1%.
They will NOT represent YOU!



  6 Responses to “The Latest Republican Lie About Filibusters”

  1. Don’t know the exact number of bills blocked by the Teapublicans either. But the American Constitution Society reports that the past couple years that Teapublicans have been the minority party, as of March 2 of this year they have been the cause of over 18% of all bills filibustered in the past 90 years.

  2. This filibuster needs to die and not a slow and painful death but a quick and easy one. Dems have let them offer amendment after amendment only to see the bill not pass by having the Repubs and Blue Dogs enmass not vote for it at all. This bullshit needs to stop!

  3. Obama needed to address the filibuster problem from the very start. They talked about it a little, it sure
    would’ve saved a lot of trouble later.
    They are stalling and/or corrupting any bill that would make the Democrats look good. They voted 5 times
    NOT to close the loophole that allowed corporations to move offshore, costing millions of American jobs. 😡

    • Welcome Momza. 🙂

      Respectfully, that is not an issue Obama can manage. Setting the Senate rules at the outset of each session is a right the Constitution gives to Senators, not the President. In the rest, I ful;ly agree. It also cost us $millions in trax revenues.

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