Meet Joseph Stiglitz

 Posted by at 11:08 pm  Politics
Oct 022010

On one of my many articles calling for the replacement of Tim Geithner, I suggested Joseph Stiglitz as a replacement.  A few of you said you did not know anything about him, so here a short video to introduce him with a link to a longer one.

While Joseph Stiglitz wasn’t happy with what he said was the inadequate size of the economic stimulus package, he still is a strong advocate for the Keynesian tactic and like most rational economists, contends that the economy would be much worse without it. Now he’s calling for another round


Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

For the one hour version, click here.

Timmy “GOP” Geithner is the biggest obstacle, other than the Republican Party, to economic recovery.  He needs to be gone.


  5 Responses to “Meet Joseph Stiglitz”

  1. Buh Bye Rahm, hope to see your ass on the way out the door as well Timmy Gold(man) boy.

  2. I wish Rahm with take Timmeh with him.

  3. Mr. Stiglitz,
    Would you agree that the global economy, just as any economy not employing equal reciprocation is unsustainable? Aren’t all the noticable manipulations being done in vain attempts to work around the principle?
    Am I wrong in perceiving that changes must be made to compensate for other changes within our system? Isn’t attempting to redirect our economy while attempting to maintain the status quo, but an exercise in futility?
    I grew up believing I lived in the greatest nation in the world. I’m 69. I recognized I had control of my destiny and of my own personal standards of living. The escalating cost of mounting political campaigns has taken much of my control away. Special interest groups can contribute as individuals, and then again as entities and I can only contribute individually. Is that a good enough argument for our Court to allow the adoption of public campaign funding which will return my control to being equal with my fellow citizens?
    Isn’t such action the key to redirecting our nations economy? They never break do they, just get redirected if we’re not paying attention?
    You and I appear to have been lucky Professor. Let’s work to restore equal opportunity for those following behind us.
    Senior Citizen

  4. Mr. Stiglitz is legit. And I agree with him: The Federal Reserve needs a Relevance Test

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