Miller: Nothing but NO

 Posted by at 1:40 am  Politics
Sep 202010

While Joe Miller may be slightly more extreme in his views than the average Republican, he goose steps in lock step with the rest when it comes to solutions.

gop-no This morning, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Alaska Republican senatorial candidate Joe Miller about recent data from the Census Bureau which found that a stagering one in seven or 43.6 million Americans [Murdoch delinked] are living in poverty, the highest level since 1994. Noting that Miller had previously claimed that unemployment benefits were unconstitutional Wallace asked, “without unemployment benefits, a lot more, millions more would be living in poverty — what would you do for them?” Miller initially ducked the question, but when Wallace persisted, Miller accused Americans of suffering from an “entitlement mentality” and argued that providing unemployment benefits was not among Congress’ enumerated powers:…

…Watch it:

Miller’s radical tenther views aside, unemployment benefits have become essential in today’s economic climate and have kept millions of American families out of poverty… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Miller could not even handle the softball questions from the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda.  He did not answer what he would do for millions of unemployed Americans, because the answer is nothing.  The Republican Party opposes unemployment benefits.  In the Senate, they blocked the extension for weeks.  In the House, they consistently vote against help for those whose jobs were lost through Republican misgovernment.  They do not govern on behalf of such people.  They govern exclusively for criminal corporations and the richest 1%.  That’s why they hate such expenditures:

Every penny Democrats spend on a Main Street American is a penny Republicans can’t spend on a millionaire.


  6 Responses to “Miller: Nothing but NO”

  1. It’s not that they would do nothing Tom. It’s that watching Joe (can’t afford a) six pack die along with his children in their cars which would become their homes until the repo man found them. Al Capone may have been a murderous thug but at least he fed without charge some of Chicago’s hungry and homeless during the worst days of the depression. I guess this is where the rights faith based beliefs are at. The dope man will feed and house the newly poor and impoverished.Except it won’t be soup he feeds them it will be a bullet “There—problem solved.”

  2. I friend of mine explained the right to me, he told me it’s all in a gene. Some people have this gene and some don’t. That’s why you can’t rationalize with them. They can only see things a certain way. If only we can isolate this gene, we would finally have world peace.
    Hey this could be a Horror movie…lol

  3. The republican answer for everything is tax cuts. Need jobs, cut taxes. Deficit too high, cut taxes. Global warming, cut taxes. Terrorism, cut taxes. Improve education, cut taxes. Improve healthcare, cut taxes. Solve illegal immigration, cut taxes.

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