Sep 092010

In a brilliant change of direction, Barack Obama ripped into the Republican party yesterday.  Instead of focusing on one of the obvious loons, he singled out the House Minority Leader and would-be Speaker, John Boehner.  This is way past due!

BonerOrange President Obama laid out a sweeping argument for retaining Democrats and punishing Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections, calling on voters Wednesday to reject economic policies advanced by the GOP that he said favor millionaires at the expense of struggling families.

Obama took the unusual step of describing the financial and medical struggles he, First Lady Michelle Obama and their families have faced, personalizing a deeply political debate as he sought to position himself firmly on the side of middle-class families.

The president proposed $180 billion in new construction and tax credits meant to spur investment and research. But the address, at a community college near Cleveland, also represented an intensifying campaign by Obama to discredit Republicans and craft a road map for Democrats confronting a challenging election cycle that may cost them scores of congressional seats.

Obama singled out an Ohio Republican, House Minority Lseader John A. Boehner, an architect of a GOP strategy that Obama said aims to obstruct his agenda and to restore policies from the George W. Bush era, including tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <LA Times>

In response, Republicans proposed a two point plan to help balance the budget.  Cut domestic spending to 2008 levels and freeze taxes at current levels, a plan they called bipartisan.  Bipartisan my ass!  This translates to cut services to the poor and middle classes, and extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich.  This new plan is same as the old plan and will add $hundreds of billions to the deficit.

Ed Schultz and Sen. Byron Dorgan had a field day with this.

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This is the Obama I feared I might never see again.  I hope, at last, that Obama has seen how utterly foolish he was to pursue a bipartisan approach for so long.


  10 Responses to “Has Obama Abandoned Bipartisanship?”

  1. Between us professional Libs. He’s a slow learner. Hell it only took two years for him to learn that. Now we have a chance.

  2. By the gods we hope so! All he has done since elected is to reject his supporters and embrace his enemies… A Death Wish Presidency!

  3. Well, it’s about damn time.

  4. He’s back and he’s out front and center which is where he needs to be. Nobody can speak for the Dems like Obama. His fire is back and he is pissed off. Good, I hope he stays that way. 😎

  5. Lets “hope” he has given up on bi-partisanship. What a waste of time that was.

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