Aug 052010

Interns of RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, have been emailing foreign embassies trying to sat up appointments for Steele with the Ambassadors.  On the surface, this appears to be another bonehead move.  Is it, or is Steele up to something?

5steele The Republican National Committee is trying to set up meetings between Chairman Michael Steele and foreign ambassadors to the United States, according to an e-mail obtained by POLITICO — an effort that has puzzled diplomats as well as fellow Republicans.

An RNC intern sent a message late last month to at least one ambassador on behalf of Neil Alpert, a senior finance aide, with little explanation.

“As you know, the November election is just 103 days away and the chairman would like to extend to you an invitation to sit down either at the RNC or at your embassy to discuss the upcoming 2010 midterm elections,” wrote Christopher Kelleher, a finance department intern. “With literally hundreds of congressional seats up for grabs in just under four months, Chairman Steel [sic] would love to have the opportunity to discuss the party’s outlook with you.”

RNC spokesman Doug Heye declined to comment on why Steele would want to set up individual meetings with the foreign diplomats, whether he’s had any meetings with them, and if he would continue to pursue such get-togethers.

“In his role as RNC chairman, he meets with leaders in Washington and throughout the country,” Heye said.

But one European embassy official told POLITICO his embassy had received the generic-sounding message in a general inquiry in-box and indicated that he didn’t know what to make of the note.

The staffs of high-level American political figures typically go directly to an embassy’s political officer to set up meetings with an ambassador.

Steele’s outreach to foreign representatives heading into the final stretch of the midterm election cycle is exasperating senior Republicans, already fed up with the controversial chairman’s knack for bad publicity.

They can’t give any money and they can’t vote,” former RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson said, referring to the ambassadors. “I don’t know why you’d take time to do it.”

It is illegal for foreign nationals to contribute to American candidates or political parties… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politico>

On first read, I found this quite puzzling.  Sure, Steele is notorious for idiocy, but this one seemed without purpose.  So I asked myself, what does the RNC want?  The answer is obvious: the $ame thing the RNC alway$ want$.  But foreign nationals can’t contribute.  Then it hit me! :idea:  Thanks to Citizens United, foreign corporations can buy advertising and can even do so anonymously.  There is nothing to stop a foreign government from subsidizing a foreign corporation’s ad campaign.  Steele and the Republicans want to sell out to foreign governments through their corporations.


  8 Responses to “What Is Michael Steele Plotting?”

  1. i hope this didn’t take too long to figure out Tom. his main job is supposed to be finding money for McConnell and Orange man to distribute. Get the foreign companies to donate through pacs and if they control the houses they can confer the old Chinese most favored nation trade status on them.

    • Actually, Mark, it was pretty quick. The first maxim I use for such mysteries is “Follow the Money”. But now they don’t even need to rely on PACs, whose ads must be issue based. They can write their own anonymous ads in direct support of or opposition to any candidate.

  2. TC
    You nailed it. Thank you Supreme Court. As John Stewart said in his Show last night, I quit….

  3. I was trying to figure out his goal in meeting foreign nationals… thanks!

  4. I was hoping they were trying to set him up with an ambassadorship in Uganda, but your theory makes much more sense.

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