Another Hand Job from Sarah

 Posted by at 1:46 am  Politics
Aug 022010

Sarah Palin has been writing on her hand again.  But when what she writes is a lie, she only echoes her Republican colleagues.

2Palin Since he was on the campaign trail, President Obama has proposed renewing the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts for the lower- and middle-class, while allowing them to expire on schedule at the end of the year for the richest two percent of Americans. Republicans, however, have begun to obfuscate the issue by saying that the end of the year will bring history’s largest tax increase, deliberately leaving out that Democrats have proposed extending most of the cuts.

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) pulled this rhetorical trick last week, saying “Democrats are poised to allow the largest tax increase in American history to take effect,” and on Fox News Sunday today former half-term governor Sarah Palin went down the same road. Fox’s Chris Wallace rightly pointed out that “the Republicans keep talking about being deficit hawks. This is $678 billion you are not going to pay for.” Palin responded “no, this is going to result in the largest tax increase in U.S. history. Again, it’s idiotic.”

Wallace proceeded to let Palin spend the next minute reading from notes on paper that she had written down. He interrupted her just for a moment to ask if she had anything written down on her hand, to which she responded that she did:

PALIN: My palm isn’t large enough to have written all my notes down on what this tax increase, what it will result in.… Democrats are poised to cause the largest tax increase in U.S. history, it’s a tax increase of $3.8 trillion in the next ten years and it will have an effect on every single American who pays an income tax. Small businesses, especially, will be hit hardest. Small businesses account for roughly 70 percent of our job creation in this country. So raising taxes on these employers is the worst thing that can happen.

WALLACE: Can I ask you, what do you have written on your hand?

PALIN: $3.8 trillion in the next ten years, so I have didn’t say $3.7 trillion and get dinged by the liberals saying I didn’t know what I was talking about.

Watch it:


Despite the preparation of her “cheat sheet,” she still doesn’t know what she is talking about.

For one thing, according to the Pew Economic Policy Group, an extension of all of the Bush tax cuts will cost $3.1 trillion over ten years, once the costs of servicing the debt are factored in. But no one has proposed allowing them all expire, and it’s incredibly disingenuous of Republicans to claim otherwise, especially since it was a budget gimmick by former President George W. Bush to include the ten-year sunset at all.

Extending just the cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Americans will cost $830 billion over ten years. As Center for American Progress Associate Director for Tax Policy Michael Linden wrote, “to put that figure in perspective, $830 billion is enough to pay for all veterans’ hospitals, doctors, and the rest of the Veteran’s Affairs health system, plus the United States Coast Guard, plus the Food and Drug Administration, plus the operation and maintenance of every single national park for the entire 10-year period — with more than $100 billion left over.”… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Wallace was better that the standard for Faux Noise.  He did call her on some things.  But during the piece neither he or Palin ever mentioned that Obama plans to extend the tax cut for everyone except the riches 2%. So people who watch this Fox have no way to know that this will not effect their taxes.  They have every reason to believe it will, because of Palin’s inflammatory language and her lie about the amount.

So what have we learned?  Mooseolini is still an idiot and Faux Noise is still the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda.


  12 Responses to “Another Hand Job from Sarah”

  1. I can see it now; President Palin at the desk in the Oval office. She gets a call that Iran has dropped a nuke bomb on Israel. She writes on her hand a note to herself, “Attack Iran.” Then she goes to Vice President Bachmann’s office and tells her. They gab for a while about how they knew this would happen, then head to the WAR room. Palin reads her hand, looks at the Chief of Staff and asks, “Will we harm the oil in Saudi Arabia if we nuke Iran?” The General (confused) says “No” Ms. President, but we will kill millions of Iranians.” Palin replies, “That’s fine nuke’em.” The president writes on her hand, “just bombed Iran, call hubby, tell him sex is on tonight.”

    • One disagreement, Tom. Palin is far to dumb to actually bomb the country she intended. She would bomb someone, but who is anybody’s guess.

  2. I like the way it appears Wallace ( a mere shadow of his father, BTW) acts like he playing hardball with Palin so as to have the appearence of “a hard-hitting interview”. Faux is stepping up it’s game; beware, maybe they are not as stupid as we thought.

    • Nikolai, Murdoch did not build a $multi-billion media empire by being stupid. He and Fox are cunning. The stupid ones are their victims Viewers.

  3. I watched the idiot talk yesterday. She’s an idiot and we should send her to another planet with her stupid talking points on her hand.

  4. I get annoyed when I go to work and some of my tea party coworkers ask me if I noticed the difference in my paycheck – I have no clue what they are talking about, so I ask and then they start rattling about Obama raising taxes. I’ve tried to tell them that the EXPIRATION does not apply to us, but then they claim I was brainwashed by the liberal media – more accurately, I pay attention to my annual income amount and I know if I am one of the wealthiest Americans – I am not!

    also, loved this part from the article:

    *Fox’s Chris Wallace rightly pointed out that “the Republicans keep talking about being deficit hawks. This is $678 billion you are not going to pay for.” Palin responded “no, this is going to result in the largest tax increase in U.S. history. Again, it’s idiotic.”*

    All Palin could do is reiterate her talking point, not come up with anything new to defend her point. Palin must have been talking about herself when she claimed it was idiotic…

  5. TC
    I guess your right but in honesty, you did a much better job.;)

  6. Just my only personal preference, but ever since Faux’s relentless promotion of Breitbart’s recent racist and mendacious Sherrod video, I now refer to that Teapublican propaganda mouthpiece as “Faux Noose”.

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