Jul 302010

I can understand differences on issues.  I respect that. I can understand differences in beliefs.  I respect that too.  In political life there is a proper way to resolve such differences.  We argue passionately in honest debate.  Then voters decide.  What I cannot respect is intentionally deceiving voters.  Nobody who cannot win on the basis of honest comparison, deserves to be in office.  Now I won’t say Democrats never lie, but extreme deception is a Republican art form, because they cannot win honestly.

republican-lies Two of the emails I [Kos] got today:

You know the honeymoon is over when the comedians start.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree . . . and think 25 to life would be appropriate.

–Jay Leno

America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask.

–Jay Leno

Q: Have you heard about McDonald’s’ new Obama Value Meal?

A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it.

–Conan O’Brien

Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon?

A: A fund raiser.

–Jay Leno

Q: What’s the difference between Obama’s cabinet and a penitentiary?

A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers, and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners.

–David Letterman

Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved?

A: America!

–Jimmy Fallon

Q: What’s the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo?

A: Bo has papers.

–Jimmy Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?

A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road.

–David Letterman

GOP2 All of this is false, of course. None of the comedians on this list said any such things. That hasn’t stopped this email from flying around the wingnutosphere. Googling around, I caught a Free Republic thread with respondents high-five’ing each other over this, convinced that the world has turned against Obama and Democrats.

Then there’s this:

Hello, you communist shitbag!

I own a small company with 8 employees, 6 of them black. A friend of mine (who is in a position to know these things) says that the Obama administration is quietly planning a scheme which would classify businesses such as mine as "minority controlled" and turn them over to the minority employees. I would of course receive "compensation" but I would lose my company. Is this your idea of "social justice"? Are you trying to get me to fire my black employees so that they would again be at the mercy of government bureaucrats and government handouts? Is this your way of bringing socialsm to America? Or is this your version of reparations for slavery? I think that you and the rest of Obama’s errand boys are nothing but brownshirts. If you want to steal American private property I can guarantee that you will all be impeached and tried for treason! It’s starting to look like Obama’s race talk was only a ruse to allow him to socialize the economy (starting with health care), and the republicans are letting him get away with it. We need to send real patriots to the next Congress,people who are not afraid to stop Obamas socialist agenda in it’s tracks.

Of course, no such thing is ever going to happen, but that doesn’t stop this crowd from literally making shit up, whipping themselves into a frenzy over the coming armageddon, whether it’s over guns, death panels, or minority workplace uprisings.

How can we have a debate with a political movement that has zero allegiance to the truth?

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

These two emails are so obvious, that the Republicans who prepared them had to know they were lies.

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many.


  18 Responses to “When Do Republicans Stop Lying?”

  1. And there is the problem with the left…they have an organization and a base that they fail to mobilize in a meaningful way to combat the growing hystrionics of the right. the right does shit like this to energize the base for mid terms and the left seems to be content to play defense half heartedly instead of sending out the offense. Elections and houses are lost this way.

  2. In their snied (thinking they are clever) way, it’s anything to win. They have no morals, no conscience, no shame. The question is, why have Americans supported them over the last 30 years through all their lies and destroying America?

  3. Tom said it better than I could. When will they stop lying…umm that would be never unless they lie themselves out of existence, which would be perfectly fine with me.

  4. “When do Republicans stop lying”?

    That reminds me of a line from the movie “Enough” (Jennifer Lopez): “You never stop attacking.”

    I have to admit, when I was reading those one-liners from Leno, Letterman, etc., I had no idea they hadn’t actually made those jokes. These Republican strategists are pretty shrewd as well as being sleazier than Times Square at 3 a.m.

  5. When do Republicans stop lying? This has the identical answer to the inverse question. When do Republicans start telling the truth. Never.

  6. What Dave Dubya said.

  7. In my mind I think the thing Republicans do better than anybody else is instill fear. Their whole platform is and always have been about fear.
    It may have worked as I’m fearful of them gaining seats this fall.

  8. With the racial demographics of the country shifting I completely agree with what Tim said, they are smart enough to read the data and see that their base is decreasing in relation to the rest of the nation but they have painted themselves into a corner.

    They will gain seats this fall but the far-right is a dinosaur on its way to extinction. The only problem is that a dying dinosaur is still very dangerous.

  9. I hate to say this, but part of me welcomes the likelihood the GOP will resurge and take control of one or both houses. It’s time they took responsibility for the mess they made under W and perhaps we’ll get a glimpse of what meaningful debate looks like when the Dems go on the defensive. Lord knows we’ve not done a good enough job driving consensus for change. Maybe we can make it happen by fighting regression.

    Or maybe it will just be more of the same with the teams switching sides. I hope not.

    • SF, At leasy in part, Dems are taking responsibility for gixing the GOP mess. Should Republicans take power there will be no meaingful debate. They will not let anything debatable on the floor of either house. They will not make the mistakes they made before, mistakes that let a permanent Republican Reich slip through their fingers. The middle class wil disappear. Individual rights will disappear. Meaningful elections will disappear. Ben Franklin’s quote, “a Republic, if you can keep it” will prove prophetic.

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