Voodoo Economics

 Posted by at 2:00 am  Politics
Jul 202010

Last night Rachel Maddow had an excellent piece on Republican economic policy, which she discussed with Oregon’s Jeff Merkley.

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Pure and simple, what Republicans are saying about extending tax cuts for the rich is a lie, and Republicans from the old days, before the GOP lost its last shreds of sanity, are calling them on it.

I am glad I worked to help Jeff Merkley defeat goose-stepping Gordon Smith, the “progressive” GOP Senator who was willing to cross the line, but only when we didn’t need him.  I commend Jeff for having the courage to agree that Republicans are intentionally sabotaging our economy now, hoping to use the bad economy to their advantage in November.


  2 Responses to “Voodoo Economics”

  1. Poppy Bush was right – it is Voodoo Economics and why the Repubs want to go back to that, I have no idea. All their ideas are rehashed from prior ideas that didn’t work. I want to move forward, not backward. Why is the repub party always trying to drag us back into the past?

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