More GOP Compassion

 Posted by at 2:39 am  Politics
Jun 302010

Every day I become more convinced that conservative claims of compassion are lies.

Those patriotic Republicans are at it again. This morning, Patty Murray spoke on the floor, requesting unanimous consent to pass the Homelss [sic] Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act. Mitch McConnell, on behalf of Tom Coburn, objected to the bill. Watch:


Murray’s office sent out this statement:

“I am deeply disappointed that Senate Republicans continued to put politics above people and blocked my bill that would provide support for homeless women veterans and their families,” said Senator Patty Murray. “This is a bipartisan, common-sense bill that would support veterans in my home state of Washington and across the country. I am going to continue fighting for it to pass. And I urge Senate Republicans to end their obstruction and allow homeless women veterans across the country to get the support they have earned.”

Senator Murray’s bill, S.1237, would expand assistance for homeless women veterans and homeless veterans with children and would increase funding and extend federal grant programs to address the unique challenges faced by these veterans.

I guess these means they’ve abandoned the whole idea of compassionate conservatism… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

The GOP loves to mouth off about how they support the troops, but in GOP-speak, “support” means “Use as cannon fodder and abandon”.

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many.


  6 Responses to “More GOP Compassion”

  1. The Repubs are always about the Dems ‘not supporting the troops’ but when it comes to putting the money where their mouth is, they vote it down. Do they not see the hypocrisy in doing so? Abhorrent and disgusting.

  2. Republicans view the members of the military the same way they view middle class and poor people as replaceable Cogs in the Engines of Industry. Republicans believe if someone joins the military and gets wounded or loses their home it’s their own fault, just as they believe the poor are poor because god has ordained it.

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