Jun 292010

Yesterday I kept up with comments, but got no visiting done.  However, I put a huge dent in that pile of paperwork.  I Still have outside errands to run so we shall see what today brings.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 2:59.  Shock, huh?  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football:

To join our fantasy football league, click here.

Short Takes:

From Washington Post: FBI agents arrested 10 people on charges that they spent years in the United States as spies for Russia, taking on fake identities and trying to ferret out intelligence about U.S. policy and secrets by making connections to think tanks and government officials.

This should prove interesting, because the investigation spanned two administrations and one regime.

From Boston Globe: A split Supreme Court ruled yesterday that a law school can legally deny recognition and funding to a Christian student group that will not let gays join, with one justice saying the First Amendment does not require a public university to validate or support the group’s “discriminatory practices.’’

Kennedy did not vote with the four activists for ones.  The theocons have their panties in a bunch over this one.  SCOTUS also made a big mess out of the gun control issue.  Thank goodness their term is over for the year.

From Red State Update: The boys are upset, because Obama fired McChrystal.

He was fortunate to be allowed to resign from the service without a Court Martial.

Cartoon: from Cagle.com


What;s up?


  2 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/29/2010”

  1. I love those guys from Red State! They are freaking hilarious. Great cartoon as always. Steve Jobs said about users losing connectivity “You’re holding it wrong.” Seriously, that’s your explanation? What an ass!

    • Perhaps Apple is the BP of the technology world. Back in the 1980s, snooty MAC users were besides themselves, because I had a hardware device that allowed me to run MAC software on my Amiga faster than they could on their MACs.

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