Jun 292010

The machinations of the religious right never cease to amaze me.  Lady brood mares, your service is required! πŸ˜‰

protectmejesus The AFA’s Bryan Fischer points to an article reporting on a study that has found that more American women are choosing not to have children and sees in it an opportunity for Christians to ultimately gain complete social, cultural, and political dominance by simply breeding more [theocrat delinked]:

What this means quite simply is that liberals are breeding themselves out of existence … All this represents a marvelous opportunity for conservatives. We can regain political control of this country by simply following the biblical mandate to β€œbe fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” This cultural mandate from God, as recorded in Genesis 1:28, has never been rescinded. It is as much in effect today as the moment it was first uttered.

Since we need to make up for the childbearing aversion of our secular fundamentalist friends, perhaps each conservative family can set out to have at least four children. It won’t be too long before our poor, outflanked elites will be so badly outnumbered by a new generation imbued with the values of the Judeo-Christian tradition they may have to start having children of their own just to fight back and retain a sliver of cultural influence…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

I can see only one way that we on the left can overcome this vile Machiavellian plot.  We must invest our precious bodily fluids and beat them to the bedroom.  I’m not sure about my status as a warrior, as I may have forgotten how, but if one of you needs my assistance, I’d be happy to try to remember. πŸ˜‰


  22 Responses to “Get Some Nookie for Supply-side Jesus”

  1. Seems to me that’s asking a lot of those frigid tight-assed women on the right.

  2. If fathering children is a sacred Christian duty, how come Jesus never did it (as far as the modern Christians believe, anyway).

    Seriously, the way to deal with this is not to out-breed them but to “convert” those of them that are reachable. The percentage of atheists and agnostics in the US population has doubled in the last ten years, and that’s not because we breed like rabbits.

    • Infidel, I find that that some atheists are every bit as evangelical in promoting their faith as the most rabid theocons.

      • Atheism isn’t a “faith”. Faith refers to belief without evidence. Atheism isn’t a belief at all. It’s simply the absence of one particular kind of belief — the belief in deities. Calling atheism a faith is like calling silence a kind of sound.

        If some atheists are aggressive in promoting non-belief in deities (or in attacking belief in deities, to put it in less convoluted English), that’s because we have ample evidence of the dangers that kind of belief presents.

        • Infidel, my friend, your are playing with semantics. As to the existence of a deity, there are two possible opinions, exists or not exists. The only support for either opinion is anecdotal. Anecdotal support falls short of evidence. An opinion held without evidence is a belief. Faith refers to belief without evidence.

          In addition, it is not the belief in a deity that present the dangers of which you speak. It is the intolerance of people who believe differently. As someone who believe deity exists, I support and defend your right to hold the opposite belief, so my faith presents no danger to you.

  3. Ok, that last comment was funny! Are who are the ‘secular fundamentalists’? WTF is he talking about? These people at the AFA need their heads examined. And a lot of kids who grow up in the church (like me) shun it later in life, like when they are 18. They can’t wait to get away from the BS and in my case, the hypocrisy.

  4. Those of the religious right are, at best, misguided, and, at worst, manipulative authoritarian stooges. They waste time preaching to average Americans who are already Christians for the most part. They should instead browbeat corporate boards of directors, conservative Republican politicians, and those at the CIA and Pentagon, whose only gods are money and power.

  5. Love it! Quoting the General in Dr. Strangelove. Don’t forget, in that movie, the World was destroyed.
    Why populate the World? Revelations describes the steps before the second coming and judgment day. It is a violent end to the World. God’s destruction. Like building a card house and then enjoying smashing it to bits. If people are so eager to be with their God, there are many ways to end biological life. This God created us for the intent of humans to worship at his feet for eternity? Sounds dictatorial. Faith is believing in something not provable, like the Republicans “trickle down” economic theory for the country.

    • There is a difference, Tom. The falsity of “trickle down” can be easily disproved by that upwardly gushing sound it makes. Neither God, nor the absence of God, can be proved. Not all believers take the worshiping at the feet bit seriously. Events after death are unknowable, but Jesus described the afterlife by saying that his father’s house has many dwelling places. I trust God that whatever my dwelling place may be, it will work for me. And, if I’m wrong, I’ll never know it.

      Don’t forget there’s a huge difference between authentic faith and the hate-filled dogma of the religious right.

  6. It’s the sad scary truth. Cerebrally-challenged inbreds are breeding like rabbits, while secular and more intelligent people are having few, or zero children.

    I don’t know if you ever saw Idiocracy — a sci-fi movie about a society 500 years in the future where everyone is dumbed down beyond belief. Sort of like now, only worse.

    At the beginning of the movie (before they go into the future), it shows an articulate, Yuppie-looking couple being interviewed. They’re saying they want to get in better financial shape before they bring a child into the world. The next scene shows a redneck family: a fat toothless dumb-looking couple, and several fat dumb kids running around yelling. The husband says “Sheeit, you’re pregnant again? Ain’t there some sort of, uh, pills you’re takin’, or somethin’?”

  7. Seriously I ain’t worried, the demographics I have seem say the African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are out producing the rednecks to the point white crackers will just be a minority by 2040. I just hope like Hell I live see the republicans reduced to a regional wacko party.

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