Jun 272010

Yesterday I caught up, replying to comments and returning visits.  Last night, I put the CPAP machine on hold and got eight hours of much needed sleep.  I feel rather groggy after all that, but expect to stay up to date today, despite a huge pile of paper on my desk that needs sorting, attention, and filing.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:21.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football:

To join our fantasy football league, click here.

Short Takes:

From CQ Politics: "House Democrats were more exposed in 1994 than they are this year," writes Rhodes Cook in Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball.

"Then, half the seats they were defending were in districts that had voted for the Republican presidential ticket in one or both of the previous two presidential elections (1988 and 1992).

"This year, just one third of Democratic seats are in similarly problematic terrain – an important distinction since the vast majority of House seats that the Democrats lost in 1994 were in "Red" or "Purple" districts."

The outlook for2010 and 2012 is not as bleak as the pundits claim.  We need to keep hammering the message that the GOP is intentionally undermining economic recovery, despie the suffering they cause by that tactic, to improve their political chances.

From News Hounds: Geraldo Rivera was on his high horse last night (6/25/10) over the now-infamous Rolling Stone profile that led to Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s resignation this week. According to Rivera, Rolling Stone should have known that printing McChrystal’s insubordinate comments would lead to his resignation. Therefore, Rivera argued, the magazine was comparable to Al Qaeda in its danger to U.S. national security. That was over the top enough. But it was even worse considering that this holier-than-thou-on-national-security-ethics reporter was the same Geraldo Rivera who got kicked out of Iraq for broadcasting details about troop movements. He did not even have the decency to acknowledge that he had not practiced what he was now preaching.

The hypocrisy of Faux Noise, the GOP Reichsministry of Propaganda, knows no bounds.

Hat-Tip: Daily Kos


Isn’t this ad a work of art? 

Cartoon: from Cagle.com


Have a great Sunday!


  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/27/2010”

  1. Before I read that last part about Geraldo saying the interview was akin to Al Queada, I was gonna say that “Didn’t you get tossed out of Iraq on your ass for displaying troop movements?” I have no idea how that man still has a career after that Al Capone’s tomb thing. That’s 2 hours of my life I won’t get back.

    That ad is a work of art – it should be on every station 24/7.

    The Japanese have had 2000 years to study whales – what BS. Great cartoon.

  2. Did you see the speech that Sarah gave at some University in California – Friday, I think? It hurt my brain to listen to it and it made no sense – she has enough money – why, oh why does she not hire a speech writer? When she was done (the press was allowed this time), some of the reporters said things like “I feel like I just got off a rollercoaster” “What was she trying to say?” “I don’t even know how to write this up.” And more – it’s on YouTube. It was hilarious!

    • You don’t have to watch the speech to see the comments they made – they have a separate vid for that. No one deserves that punishment.

  3. Geraldo Rivera is full of shiite. The Rolling Stone interview with McChrystal was Rolling Stone’s fault for printing what he said? All righty then.

    So from now on, if somebody is being interviewed, they can blurt out whatever they want, and it’s up to the reporter to be “sensible” and only print the “nice” parts.

  4. Oh My God Tom Kitty! I missed you so much! I am so happy to have found you again. Please get in touch with me. I read your about me on the blog and I know if your computer was destroyed you lost my info but here i am!

    • Mouseeee!! 😀

      Well, we’ve emailed back and forth now.

      Everyone, Gini is one of my oldest (longest term, that is, before she hits me) Internet friends, one of only two that I have met face to face.

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