May 262010

Corporations have no conscience and no soul, as this article clearly demonstrates.

workharder This week, the House of Representatives is working on a package extending several popular tax breaks as well as important social safety net provisions like unemployment benefits and health insurance subsidies for laid-off workers. The bill costs about $200 billion, but is partially offset by a few tax changes, including the closing of a loophole that allow corporations to claim U.S. tax credits on profits earned overseas. These unjustified tax breaks have been on the radar of Congress’ tax writers for the last few years, but so far they’ve remained in the tax code due to pressure from big corporations. This time, even though the bill also extends some of their favored provisions, like the Research and Development tax credit, the Big Business lobby is fighting to preserve its ability to exploit tax loopholes, at the expense of the benefits extension:

International Business Machines Corp. and trade groups for major U.S. companies are pressing Congress to defeat a jobs bill containing billions of dollars in taxes on their global operations…In a letter to lawmakers yesterday, Armonk, New York-based IBM, the world’s biggest computer-services provider, told lawmakers it “strongly opposes” the legislation and would rather do without the research credit than face new taxes on overseas profits.

The Chamber of Commerce has, of course, weighed in on behalf of the corporations, claiming that the legislation is a “job killer.”… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

If this provision were to kill any jobs at all, it seems to me that those jobs would be overseas, since corporations have been relocating whole divisions overseas to take advantage of this loophole.  The bottom line is maximizing profit.

Corporations are NOT people!  Money is NOT speech.


  4 Responses to “Corporate Greed vs Unemployment Benefits”

  1. Corps should have been paying taxes on that overseas money a long time ago – it was that way before Bush removed it. And the only jobs lost are the ones overseas. Boo hoo.

    • The GOP clearly favors corporate interests over those of the American people. You’re right. This is another gift from Bush and the GOP.

  2. I’m glad that you mentioned the fact that money isn’t speech.

  3. Lib,
    Corporations are NOT people! Money is NOT speech!
    has become my personal mantra.


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