Obama Rips GOP

 Posted by at 2:17 am  Politics
May 152010

If you haven’t seen this clip, you’ll love it!

obama_hcr_speech President Barack Obama is ripping into his Republican opponents, accusing them of refusing to help rebuild America after having "created the mess" and driving the economy "into the ditch."

Obama told a Democratic fundraising event in New York late Thursday that despite one of the busiest and most accomplished legislative sessions in recent memory, he witnessed "our friends on the other side of the aisle fall all over themselves to argue otherwise."

"You would have thought at a time of historic crisis that Republican leaders would have been more willing to help us find a way out of this mess — particularly since they created the mess," Obama said.

"We all have a stake in cleaning it up. We’re not Democrats or Republicans first — we’re Americans first."

The president met with Democratic supporters after traveling to the industrial city of Buffalo, New York to assure Americans that the US economy was "heading in the right direction" after official data showed new claims for unemployment benefits fell for the fourth week in a row… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>

And here’s the video:

Thumbs up!


  6 Responses to “Obama Rips GOP”

  1. About damned time! He should do that at the SOTU address.

  2. Obama is a piece of shit socialist prick! He is going to be the downfall of this great country. Words can’t even describe how UN-American he is, and how much of a threat he is to our country. Words he says means nothing to me!

    • Welcome Dustin. Your opinions are welcome here, but I suggest you read the rules page to keep it that way.

      How are right of center policies toward big business socialist? How is his effectiveness against terrorists unAmerican? How is he a threat to our country? Have you any factual basis for your invectives?

      • Of course he doesn’t. Dear old Dustbin can’t deal with the complete failure of his treasured conservative philosophy – Not that he could even begin to articulate it here.

        That would require him to lift his knuckles off the floor for an extended period of time.

        He’d lose his balance.

        • Welcome, Twiny. While I can’t rationally disagree with a word you said, may I respectfully ask that you also read the rules page. My questions to him said what you were saying, but did so without insulting him personally. The policy here is that we argue about issues without personal attacks, no matter how well deserved, I want to educate right wingers in the hope that someday, it may sink in enough for them to realize the untenability of their positions. Insults just give them an excuse not to listen.

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