May 052010

shahzad I’ve been holding off on this story until I had enough information to have something definitive to say.

While I would only give the TSA a C, because they did not notice that he was on the no-fly list until the third and final check.  However, for the police and FBI to have identified him and tracked him down in less than sixty hours is superior police work.  As a whole, I vive the Obama administration an A- for successfully stopping a terrorist attack.

I am disappointed that a naturalized US citizen, one whom we had accepted as one of us, would turn against us.  I find it disturbing that he is a Muslim.  Let us remember that the vender who first reported the smoking van to police was also a Muslim.  I don’t know what motivated Shahzad, and look forward to more information on this.  Cold the GOP hate against Islam have contributed?  Because his native region in Pakistan has been the target of several predator drone attacks, could someone close to him have been killed, making it a personal agenda?  Maybe.  Those are only guesses.  Remember that, as Christianity does not condone attacks on innocents, like that perpetrated by Tim McVeigh, neither does Islam.  Extremist right-wing Muslims, who falsely claim justifications for such acts, are no different that extremist right-wing Christians, who justify bombing abortion clinics.

Rachel Maddow and Richard Engels provide excellent coverage.

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The Republican response has been both expected and vile.  Leader after leader has protested giving Shahzad Miranda rights.  For the Underwear Bomber, they claimed that his non-citizenship was the justification for their protests.  Now these torture-mongers show that citizenship was only an excuse.  Shahzad is a citizen.  John “McConJob” McCain has led the charge.

Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment presents my position perfectly:

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These Republicans just can’t stand Obama’s success in protecting us against terrorist attacks.  As much as they claim to be the party of National Security, let me remind you of their success.

twin-towers .


  6 Responses to “Faisal Shahzad: Success Against Terrorism”

  1. When are the GOP going to enact laws herding every citizen of Arab descent into “relocation camps?” I want to confiscate a small business that one of them own.

  2. McCain is against giving Miranda rights to an American citizen? He should be removed as he is clearly senile. What an ass.

    • Lisa, he is calling to strip citizens who “associate” with terrorists of their citizenship.

      GOP-speak Dictionary
      Associate with terrorists: vote for Obama.

  3. i hate mccain, i hate them all
    but their hate of obama is so intense
    they would rather see the whole country collapse that give one hat tip to obama or any dem

    i hope mccain is incontinent

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