Apr 242010

In three months, it will be a crime in Arizona, if your papers are not in order.  Rachel did such a good job with this, I’ll just leave it to her.

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The silver lining here, now that the GOP has applied their Southern Strategy racism to the Southwest, it will trash their creds with Hispanic voters.  It should provide the needed impetus for Democrats to move immigration reform off the back burner.


  6 Responses to “Rachel Maddow Talks Racial Profiling”

  1. That law won’t stand a chance in the courts. Not racial profiling, my ass.

  2. We are lucky that since the Dems are so willing to shoot themselves down with their incestuous relations with Big Money, the GOP continues to show their true racist and greedy colors. I don’t think they will retake either the House or Senate.

  3. I don’t mean to be nasty, (ok, I do), but that woman needs a facelift stat!

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