McConnell: One Bought Bitch

 Posted by at 2:27 am  Politics
Apr 162010

Yesterday I wrote a piece on how Mitch McConnell and other GOP politicians are lying about financial reform.  The following is part of an editorial from Bitch’s home town newspaper:

BoughtBitch …On Tuesday and again Wednesday, McConnell took to the Senate floor to denounce a bill sponsored by Democratic Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate banking committee.

Interestingly, McConnell is disparaging the proposed reforms in words recommended by a pollster.

"If the outline of his speech sounds familiar," wrote Adam Sorensen on Time’s political blog, "it’s because it is the exact argument pollster Frank Luntz urged Republicans to make earlier this year in a widely publicized memo."

(Comparisons of McConnell’s statements and the Luntz memo can be found at

McConnell’s statements are perfectly calibrated to inflame the public. He insists the bill would "allow endless taxpayer-funded bailouts for big Wall Street banks."

Their resemblance to the truth is another matter.

The provision that McConnell claims would allow endless bailouts emerged from a bipartisan collaboration by Sens. Mark Warner, D-Va., and Bob Corker, R-Tenn.

Warner, who learned a thing or two about capitalism as a successful entrepreneur before becoming Virginia’s governor, told The Washington Post: "It appears that the Republican leader either doesn’t understand or chooses not to understand the basic underlying premise of what this bill puts in place."

The provision to which McConnell particularly objects creates an orderly process for letting "too big to fail" banks fail, at the industry’s expense, without taking down the entire economy.

The losers would be the management and shareholders, not the taxpayers. So onerous would this process be for failing financial institutions, says Warner, that it would serve as a deterrent to reckless decision-making.

McConnell, it should be remembered, voted for the bailout of the big investment banks in the fall of 2008, when it was the only alternative to global economic meltdown.

We have read that the Republicans have a plan for financial reform, but McConnell isn’t talking up any solutions, just trashing the other side’s ideas with no respect for the truth.

While the intricacies of financial regulation are complicated, McConnell’s calculus is pretty obvious.

The high-stakes gamblers on Wall Street, luxuriating again in big bonuses, don’t want any new oversight or regulation. Why would they, knowing that the government would have to bail them out again if their trading of worthless financial instruments goes bust and threatens to bring on the next Great Depression?

McConnell, unabashedly courting Wall Street bankers for political money, is happy to scratch their backs if they’ll scratch his. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Kentucky Herald-Leader>

Like the rest of the GOP, McConnell is one bought Bitch.  You have the facts in this case.  Is there any doubt?


  4 Responses to “McConnell: One Bought Bitch”

  1. The Dodd bill is not strong enough which conversey surprises me that the right is not supportive of it. well not surprise exactly but when they come out with something it will strongly resemble this weak ass piece of shit Dodd has without ANY consumer protections.

    • Mark, I agree that the Dodd bill is very week and needs improvement. However, it does contain SOME reform. Any reform is too much for the GOP.

  2. I read this yesterday on HuffPo – they really did give him a good spanking (and I bet he liked it)!

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