Apr 062010

Computer is stillin the shop. I am still using my cell phone. All my software was lost. I can pick up the computer late tomorrow. I expect to spend all day Thursday reinstalling software. Argh!


  6 Responses to “probably back friday morning”

  1. Oh man!!!! Good luck.

  2. Poor baby, I do not envy you that job!

    BTW, I cancelled the Comcast triple play cuz my verizon has been working okay and I did not want the hassle of switching.

    Sorry, I’m just talking to myself LOL

  3. Oh, that SUCKS!!!

  4. Farilly new to computers, I have taken on all the signs of a border psychotic….If one more thing goes wrong…
    It’s a good thing I stopped using Word and do everything in email…Works for me.
    There is always the deleted file.

    Sorry to hear, pal.

  5. I sympathize. I have had to go through that several times… Always a pain in the butt.

  6. Thanks everyone. I got back early, but there was a price. I’m exhausted.

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