Oct 012009

Politics Plus returned to the Internet on September 5 as a brand new blog.  I feel quite happy about our initial month.

We had 4,042 visitors and 5, 117 page views, averaging 135 visits and 171 views per day.  That’s great from a standing start.  Here’s a graph of visits and views.


Unfortunately, far too many of our visits were “pit stops”, but I hope that will change.  Here’s a graph breaking down the last 500 visitors.


Our visitors come from all over the world.  Here’s our ClustrMap.


Our 1,000th visitor was Mauigirl, 2,000th Stimson, 3,000th Annette, and 4,000th Mark.  You’ll find a special section in our sidebar honoring them and linking to their blogs.

I have no idea how we’re ranked on Technorati. I’ve pinged them several times and emailed their support department.  They have me on file as the owner of Politics Plus, but they still fail to recognize our existence.

You may wonder why I use the terms “we” and “our” while referring to Politics Plus, since this is a one-person blog.  I assure you, I’m not doing so in the regal sense.  The we in Politics Plus includes you.  Without your readership and comments, this blog would be pointless.  Whatever success this blog does and will enjoy is because of you, so please congratulate yourself.

Today there are three more articles for you.  Enjoy!


  12 Responses to “Monthly Report: 10/1/2009”

  1. Great news Tom.. I am very proud to be a part of it all. You deserve everything you get and then some.. you are doing a wonderful job and I am glad to be here with you. Keep up the great work.

  2. What? You do pit stops? I really need my tires rotated…will be back later. 😉

    Glad you're back and it looks to me like it's going to be equally successful as it was before you left…for good reason. Keep up the good work.

  3. congrats on the great job you do Tom, I am proud to be a follower and also proud you visit my humble blog!! keep talking Tom, we need your voice!

  4. Thank you all. I hope you realize how much you contribute.

  5. Great readership, TomCat – so glad you're back where you belon, with us! Thanks for the linkage!

  6. Excellent man! You know you are a ticket. You add something we have missed since you left. Yee Ha! glad your back!

  7. I have your blog in Google reader. Does that count, I wonder?

    Just know that I read every single day, Tom.

  8. YVW, Maui, and thank you.

    Thanks Jim. It's always to see your face around here.

    Thanks, Marva. I had no idea. Google reader does not register visits or views, but it definitely registers when you stop in to comment. You're in the blog roll now.:-)

  9. Congratulations.


    I've had about 43,00O hits on my site, but it took me years to get them. Never so many hits in just a couple of weeks,

  10. i am very new here. glad to have found this great site. you all will be seeing a lot more of me.

  11. Great post, Tom Cat. I've stopped by your site before and remember your wonderful comments from Sozadee. I'm adding you to our links, but I see it's time for an official blog roll over at Swiftspeech.

  12. Ivan, your blog caters to a much smaller niche than PP, but in that niche, it's top drawer.

    Thanks, RZ, and you are most welcome here.

    Thank you Stella. I was there for the first time yesterday on Oso's recommendation, and was most impressed.

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