May 112011

When John Boehner said last month that he was willing to consider eliminating subsidies for bug oil, I knew he was lying for three reasons.  First, he is a Republican.  Second, his mouth was open.  Third, it would be out of character for the GOBP.  I was right, of course, but that’s not all Agent Orange is lying about.


A little over two weeks ago, John Boehner dropped a bit of a bombshell, telling ABC News he was open to ending tax subsidies for big oil. Within 24 hours, his office was already backing off his comments, and as of today, he’s completely reversed course, saying Democratic proposals to repeal tax subsidies for big oil shouldn’t even be on the table.

It’s a non-starter for Boehner, who sees ending a subsidy as a tax hike.

"Our goal is to increase the supply of American energy to lower costs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and create American jobs," said Boehner spokesman Michael Steel. "This tax hike would make prices at the pump even higher. That simply doesn’t make any sense."

Obviously, it’s absurd to argue that tax subsidies for big oil are lowering gas prices. Does anybody really think that oil companies aren’t already charging as much as they possibly can? And if they really want to increase American energy supply, why are they giving tax subsidies to an industry that sells a non-renewable resource that we are going to eventually run out of?… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

The big lie here is the ongoing Republican meme that gas prices will increase exponentially is we end the subsidies for these giant corporations, already besotted from gorging on profit.  In the following clip, Richard Lui evaluates the effect eliminating subsidies on gas prices and Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins discusses the effects on jobs.

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So Republicans are lying across the board on this issue.

More important, it just makes sense to subsidize the future of energy and stop subsidizing the past, especially since that past offers only more dependence on unstable nations, envirobnemtal degradation, and climate change.


  4 Responses to “Boehner Lied About Oil Subsidies”

  1. What a surprise–A liar lies—And we expected ..What?

  2. Boehner lies about everything – this is not a shocker. These oil companies that produce oil put it on the world market like everyone else – and they get bazillions (and no overseas taxes) for doing it. I call Bullshit. πŸ™„

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