Good Riddance!

 Posted by at 1:49 pm  Politics
Apr 122018

In the wake of Paul Lyin’ Ryan’s announcement that he will not seek reelection, the talking heads of the Trumpopolypse are singing Ryan’s praises.  Of course, they are hard put to keep up with Ryan singing his own praises.  However, when the smoke clears, and we get to look back on Ryan’s speakership, it will be clear that Ryan has been the worst Speaker of the House in History.

Nearly all the oxygen and outrage in DC is being sucked up by Donald Trump and his outrageous executive orders. But let’s not forget about the man without whom Trump could not accomplish his larger agenda: the spineless speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, Trump’s mainstream defender and apologist at every turn.

Ryan, who has cultivated a sham image as the “reasonable” Republican for years, has backed virtually all of Trump’s most controversial and cruel policies. Ryan manages to never buck Trump on anything of significance, while getting publicity for meaningless, quasi-critical statements. He is the biggest fraud in American politics.

That much was clear yet again over the weekend, as the New York Times’ Jim Rotenberg reported that Ryan’s office “declined to engage” with him on any questions about Trump’s despicable war on the press, which even Republicans who haven’t dared to break with Trump on much of anything decried as a move befitting a dictator. Instead, Rotenberg wrote, Ryan’s office said it “disputed the premise of the question”.

It’s just one in a long line of cowardly and slimy moves by Ryan, who is really just Trump in a more aesthetically appealing wrapper…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Guardian>

Is the author spot-on or what?

One of the best presentations of this I have seen is from Lawrence O’Donnell.

In a word, Lyin Ryan is a coward.  He should be exposed as such every day he remains in office.  Good riddance!



  12 Responses to “Good Riddance!”

  1. Watched Lawrence O’Donnell video, excellent piece! “Lawrence: Paul Ryan is the worst House Speaker ever”;

  2. When I first read that Ryan was not going to seek re-election, I pinched myself again and again. WHAT? Yet there was that glorious headline! Should be no question now that the tRump regime is coming apart at all the sloppily stitched seams.

  3. . “Yup”, once again, “GOOD RIDDANCE”. lol.
    Lyin’ Paul Ryan, without a doubt, is the worst Speaker of the House in USA history! .

  4. Monty Python and I expressed our opinions yesterday.

    I am seeing speculation that other Repubs in Congress are now calling him “lame duck” and demanding that he be replaced as Speaker ASAP. Perhaps someone will explain to me why people are so eager to take a job which, even IF they are re-elected, will make them the minority leader in January. Sigh.

    P.S. burned dinner b/c Lawrence was too good to leave. Eating it anyway.

  5. ‘Toon (again): Ryan is a ball licker, but it’s those of Charles Koch, whose agenda he has worked tirelessly to advance: Elitism and racism!

  6. You just gotta love how lyin’ Ryan martyred himself by accepting the speakership, a position he proclaims to have not wanted.
    This humble man pulled himself up through the hardships of life, put himself through college using his father’s SSI survivor’s benefits, found himself with a job in Washington DC at age 22, and never left town until retiring from the House Speakership as a millionaire many times over. (7.8 million dollars in 2015)
    U.S. taxpayers are now going to be on the hook paying for Lyin’ Ryan’s nearly $85,000.00 per year pension for many years.
    For someone who despises the thought of anyone, anywhere, receiving any government benefits, Paul ‘lyin’ Ryan sure had and will remain to have a tight lip-lock on the government tit for a long time.

    • Ain’t that the truth!!!  Mr Fiscal Conservative thumbs his nose at American taxpayers yet again, but then his hero, Ayn Rand, did the same thing when she received social security benefits.

  7. There should be a mandatory barf bag alert attached to any picture or video of Lyin’ Ryan!

    The article title says it all:



  8. Paul Ryan is the worst Speaker of the House in history and a coward to the core. Who’d have thought Lawrence O’Donnell and you, TomCat would come to this conclusion after the title-holder up to that point, Boehner ‘retired’? ???

  9. Thanks all.  Hugs! 16 

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