How Does He Do It?

 Posted by at 2:19 pm  Politics
Feb 182017


I struggle to find even an occasional joke about the way our nation is crashing and burning at the intersection of hate, lies, greed and incompetence that identify Fuhrer Drumphenfarten’s Fifth Reich.  Nevertheless Bill Maher makes me laugh while zeroing in on the worst of it.  Here are two clips from last night’s show.

The Trump Circus


Agent Orange is the nickname I gave to the former Speaker, the one that could not get a Boehner, because of his fake tan. Time for an update. Is Palin sufficient payback for Cruz?

New Rule: The Magic R


I didn’t coin the term, but I started using IOKIYAR ten years ago. The Fuhrer is not the first Republican disaster in the White House. Look at Tricky Dick, Ronnie Ray Gun and GHW ChickenHawk. However, Drumpfenfarten is by far the worst.



  10 Responses to “How Does He Do It?”

  1. Loved Bill Maher last night! Except for Milo, it was a brilliant show! I can't hang with Milo! He is such a fake! He just says stuff to get a ride out of people! That snarky grin of his is quite the way to get people to react the way he wants them to. I know Bill likes to have guests on that have opposing views, but that guy is gonna be in the papers some day, and not for what you think!!!

    Loved it, TC!!!


  2. Trump Circus: Spot on, Bill. dt: He IS a brain fart!

    The Magic R is a good one, I'm saving and passing this on.

    Thanks, Tom.

  3. "A different kind of President."  Well, he is.  F***in' Nuts is definitely different.  "A mental patient who thinks he's Hitler."  Genius.

    You're right that the "new rule" is a very old rule indeed.  Giuliani – "whose great achievement was that nothing fell on his head."  Are you SURE nothing fell on his head?  ARE YOU SURE?

    But why?  If anyone ever figures that out, I'd love to know.  It's more than just the amygdala versus the pre-frontal cortex, that I am sure of – but what more?

    • It's probably the difference in followere.  Lefties think, and are more likely to demand accountability.  Righties are lizard brains, and react to perceived threat.

  4. IOKIYAR ??? — I only know I ___ a Republican???

    Bill was especially spot on today.  Very funny.







  5. Bill's back to being his own deliciously hard-hitting, funny self. Of course he's preaching to the choir, but that choir needs something uplifting too now and again and he certainly provides it. His closing lines nailed it for me: ..".America first. Please, his ego is first,  his hotels are second, Russia's third…I'd be surprised if America made the top ten!" When are those people withe the magic (R) behind their names going to undertstand that and act on it?

  6. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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