Jun 152015

I’m off to a late start, because I have a lot of paperwork to get done and a grocery order to prepare.  I also had to get my kitty solar basking started before 9:00 AM, so the intense heat did not scorch my fur.  Tomorrow will also be busy, because I have a volunteer related meeting here in town.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:06 (average 4:50).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Recruiting:

We still need two new players for Lefty Blog Friends, our fantasy football league.  How about you?  For more information, click here.

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos (classic: 5/2014): On May 22, The Campaign for America’s Future gave a conference on The New Populist Majority. The keynote speaker was Elizabeth Warren. The conference confronted the meme that the US is a "center-right" country.

Most interesting to me was the fact that they obtained poll results from "the 1%." Typically, "upper income" in polling is considered "over $250K/yr" or even "over $150K/yr." Such people are rich compared to most, but they do not have enough money to buy elections with their spare change.

The poll results for this comparison came from the Russell Sage Foundation. "Elites" are defined as at or near "the 1%" in wealth with an average income of $1M/yr or more. The perspectives of this group are compared to responses from other polls such as Pew and Gallup.


I wonder what the results would have been had they profiled the 0.1%, the people the Republican Party represent.

From Upworthy: A group of people gathered before sunrise on a beach in Los Angeles. They laid blankets and rugs on the sand, and with the tumble of the ocean at their backs, they joined together to begin a familiar ritual: prayer.


Authentic Muslims and Jews coexist without difficulty. The problem is the tight wing extremists running ISIL, Hamas, and the Israeli government. It’s as it all three had Republicans in charge.

From NY Times: For more than six years, the short walk from the Oval Office downstairs to the Situation Room has all too often meant bad news or grim choices. Whether it was war in the Middle East, Russian aggression in Ukraine or the hunt for terrorists around the globe, President Obama’s foreign policy has felt consumed by guns and drones.

So the 12-nation trade deal Mr. Obama has been negotiating in Asia took on special meaning for a president eager to change the world. It was a way to leave behind a positive legacy abroad, one that could be measured, he hoped, by the number of lives improved rather than by the number of bodies left behind. And if the Pacific really is the future, Mr. Obama wanted to position the United States to lead the way.

Several of you have stated that you don’t understand how Obama could support this deal, Click through to get a pretty good understanding of his position. While I agree that China represents a potential economic threat to the US, I remain unconvinced that the TPP is the way to deal with it, and therefore I remain completely opposed to fast track. If Obama would open the deal for inspection, and studying it revealed that it does not benefit corporations and Banksters at the expense of US workers, I would be delighted to change my position.



Who could forget the evil of Bloody Bullseye Barbie?


  24 Responses to “Open Thread–6/15/2015”

  1. 3:29 average 4:50.  I don't see anything tasty, but, housecats being crepuscular, if there is anything, you should have no trouble seeing it, TC.

    Daily Kos – Hey, it's already ugly.  But you're right, it cou;d be worse.  Only 33% of the 1% favor cutting Social Security?  I'll bet 99% of those 33% are in the 0.1%

    Upworthy – You are so right, TC.  I think what gets my hackles up most is people who say the Q'ran justifies all the terrible things the extremists are doing, to they must really be authentic Muslims.  A few days ago our good friend Carrie B posted an article with a great answer to that.  http://www.care2.com/news/member/827551733/3887273  The title I think is misleading.  The pith of the article, ICYMI, is that the same thing could be truthfully said about the Bible.  Examples included the story in II Samuel about Amnon and Tamar.  anyone could say, "Look!! Here’s proof that Christianity is evil!! The Bible sanctifies sexual violence and every time we hear about another Christian sexually assaulting someone and the Church covering it up, they’re just living out true Christianity. They’re just doing what the Bible tells them to do. Christianity is evil and real Christians are a danger to society, especially our children!!"  Most of us who actually are Christian are appalled by that.  So hiw must Muslims feel about the lies?

    NY Times – TC, I am with you – far from being the way to deal with the economic threat of China, the TPP is a way to maximize that threat, and yet make it pale under the threats it will boost from every other PacRim nation.  I might also point out that if the point of the TPP is China, then what is the point of the TTIP?  What threat from Europe is so overblown?  If I didn't already know from overwhelming evidence that what Republicans say is the opposite of what they mean, I would be trying to figure out why Republicans, whose greatest bogey is "New World Government," could be supporting this effort to give America away.  This article seems like pure elephant doodoo to me.

    Cartoon – Almost everyone seems to forget the evil of Bloody Bullseye Barbie.  If all Americans would stand behind the beliefs they claim in the polls, we would have better gun laws already.

  2. Some of this stuff is above my pay grade, I think, TC! LOL! That, or I need a new pair of glasses. I think the latter is the thing that is more true!

  3. Scratching my head here, wondering "What the HELL are Repubican campaign manageres getting paid for?!?"  Because what responsible GOP presidential manager let GOP candidate hopeful Lindsey Graham say:

    “We tried tall, good looking, smart, nice, great family man. Vote for me, we’re not going down that path again.”

    Who among us wouldn't immediately respond with …Lindsey Graham  says:

    "Vote for me because I'm short, ugly, stupid, mean and hate little kids!”

  4. Now this may totaly suprise you, but I got to wholeheartedly agree with Mit Romney when he told NBC News:

    “I think the biggest mistake I made was not focusing very early on minority voters.

    You’re absolutely right Mitt – I couldn’t agree with you more. 

    But the problem is that YOUR idea of a minority is the “1 Per Cent”.


  5. Daily Kos:  This study clearly  shows that our government is not listening to the majproty in this country, although those of us on here all ready knew that.  The stats from the 0.1% would have been even worse, and of course, that is who the Republicans revere.

    Authentic Muslims, Jews, AND Christians can all co exist.  The problem is we have too many faux of each faith who follow the money and hatred instead of their teachings.

    NY Times:  I read the article and understand the argument, but I still disagree with Fast track and the TPP.  If it was really going to benefit the American people then why has it been enshrined in secrecy?  Why does he want a Fast Track deal that would mean Congress could not change any of the terms? Why are the banks and major corporations allowed to know its contents, but not the public?  This deal has an odor worse than NAFTA.




  6. mispelled majority, typo, sorry.

  7. 3:21  The beautiful end to a Puddy Tat basking day!  Puddy Tat, you can drink in the beauty but no snack for you.

  8. TY TC – sorry, up to my ears this week!

  9. Puzzle — 3:21  The beautiful end to a Puddy Tat basking day!  Puddy Tat, you can drink in the beauty but no snack for you.

    Daily Kos — The overall direction is what I would have anticipated.  Why do you wonder what the results would be if the 0.1% were polled?  It would be similar to this only on steroids!

    Upworthy — Kudos!!  Now add in some Christians, no pseudo Christians allowed, and expand the theme since there are Christians being persecuted in some Middle East countries.  Totally awesome!

    NY Times — "If Obama would open the deal for inspection, and studying it revealed that it does not benefit corporations and Banksters at the expense of US workers, I would be delighted to change my position."  I feel the same.  Harper is bounding forward in his non transparent, secretive style and few Canadians trust him.

    Cartoon — Did you hear about the fellow in New York who felt it prudent to carry his loaded gun to a wedding in a swank hotel?  Standing in the lobby, the gun discharged accidently into the floor and 4 people were hurt superficially by shrapnel.  Why a gun at a wedding?  He was arrested.  This whole right to bear arms is hurting the US's image internationally.  Get rid of the guns and Bullseye Barbie!

  10. Now here's a scandal Canadian style with John Oliver giving the commentary. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/06/15/john-oliver-senate-canada-expense-scandal_n_7585756.html

    As a Canuck, we do know how to laugh at ourselves.

  11. Good to hear you're not feeling lethargic today, TomCat and though busy, are in good spirits and up to the tasks at hand.

    Daily Kos: I'm still in training so this poll of the elitists is a good workout for my barf bag reflex, but I don't think I can take a poll of the 0.1% right now, if ever. This was bad enough.

    Upworthy: I'm not much into prayer, but anything that brings people of different backgrounds and opposite viewpoints together is good no matter what they do. Community, co-existence, cooperation, coming together, conscience: all words that have been deleted from the right wing dictionaries.

    NY Times: I still don't understand how Obama could possibly think that the Fast Track would turn a non-existent or even negative legacy into a positive one, unless he's deluding himself. How could TPP and TTIP ever improve more lives, or improve lives other than those that need no improvement at all. Nor do I believe that ALL involved do not see this is detrimental to many; if they were oblivious to the true effects, they wouldn't have been dealing and negotiating in complete secrecy, only letting the financial world in on their progress.


  12. Hugs on a very hectic day!

  13. A nice collection illuminating issues that become mindbogling when people do not use their brains or facts to address them TC

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