Jun 262014

There is no greater foundation for democratic republic than the right of all members of that republic to participate in choosing their representatives at the polls, that is, to exercise their right to vote.  That foundation remains under attack by the Republican Party, who are trying to establish fascist one-party rule, a Republican totalitarian plutocracy in which elections exist only for show.  They would prevent all who might vote against them from voting.  It has become quite widespread.


According to a new report by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, “[n]ew voting restrictions developed since 2010 are slated to be in place in 22 states this November.”

The Republican Party have rolled back voting with a whole range of tactics from requiring identification to shortening the time to vote. Many of these states were long covered by the Voting Rights Act passed in 1965 to remedy 100 years of states denying the right to vote to people of color.

Limiting the franchise, limiting the right to vote is the most fundamental obstruction of democracy and certainly one of the most un-American things imaginable.

But not the only. This Supreme Court has allowed states to disenfranchise their own people, has equated money to free speech and corporations to people, and opened up the floodgates to unmitigated big money.

All three of these democratic assaults were committed by this John Roberts Supreme Court… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Click through for more, please.

Unless you want to live in the functional equivalent of the Fifth Reich, we must everything we can to vote and to help those, who Republicans are trying to disenfranchise, vote.  Then we must keep it up until the Fascist Five Injustices of SCROTUS (Republican Constitutional VD) have been replaced through retirement or impeachment.

Corporations are NOT people!

Money is NOT speech!



  13 Responses to “More Republican War on Voting Rights”

  1. Do you ever wonder when the eople in these states willl wake up and realize who they actually eleceted to serve them in government? They don't serve "the people". They serve their evil masters who bought them

  2. The people in these states are like the old guy in the old joke who told a librul, "I'd vote for the Devil himself if he were running against you!"  (Of course, if the Devil really were on the ballot, it certainly would not be a "librul" district.)  When you vote on pure hate (OK, hate mixed with fear) this is the kind of government you get.

    • And the other old guy in the old joke they are like is the complainer who even made God tired with all the whining, so he sent an angel (hoping to teach him some kindness) who told him he could have one wish – but whatever it was, his ebeny would get double.  He wished for a million dollars, he'd get it, and his enemy would get $2M.  He wished for a manson, his enemy would get two mansions.  Oh, he struggled with that!  Finally he decided, thoug.  He wished to lose one eye.

  3. In the state of OK, we have one side to choose from. Red or redder! At our primary that was just held, there was no one running in the primary for governor! There were only republican choices, effectively making the governor’s race a choice between the incumbent (yuckiest) to less red also republicans! We have one person running for governor that is in the democratic party. And he hasn’t made a peep! I didn’t even know he was running until the results were broadcast that night! I thought my ballot looked a little sparse, since there were only three, yes THREE races on my ballot!
    That goes to show you how hard it is to be a democrat in this DECIDEDLY RED state! Ugh! Just wish I could move to a more friendly state for the blue aide!!

  4. "Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens participate equally—either directly or indirectly through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, religious, cultural, ethnic and racial equality, justice, and liberty. The term originates from the Greek δημοκρατία (dēmokratía) "rule of the people", …" (Wikipedia)

    1 citizen = 1 vote

    So we know what democracy is supposed to be, but is that what the US has?

    The sticking point for me is the word 'eligible'.  Who is eligible?  

    If a citizen is confined to a prison for criminal acts, the law says they are no longer considered eligible.

    Various states are changing the definition of 'eligible' through various voter suppression laws.  If the laws are allowed to stand, then the "1 citizen = 1 vote" of democracy is no longer valid.  If this culling of eligible votersis allowed to proceed, eventually the ruling body becomes a plutocracy or an oligarchy.

    SCOTUS changed the dynamics of a 'person' when it granted personhood to corporations through Citizens United.  The voting mechanisms have not yet changed to allow corporations to vote, but could that be coming at some point?

    Some have suggestd that the number of votes a person should have should be based on wealth.  The wealthier, the more allowable votes.  That would move the country more towards a plutocracy, government by the wealthy.

    In my opinion, for what it is worth, the country is moving away from democratic rule.  If the Republicanus/Teabaggers take control of the government, this self proclaimed "greatest democracy in the world" will no longer exist except in the annals of history.

    What also bites for me is that the Republicanus/Teabaggers are taking my country, Canada,  with them since PM Stephen Harper seems to lean on every word the Republicanus/Teabaggers say.  I can`t vote in the US but I will support citizens to maintain a true democracy any way I can (I have a BIG Mouth and it still works!).  I will also be trying to relieve Harper of the burden of government with my vote.

  5. Until those Injustices are out of office, no liberal opinion is safe, nor is any voter who is not Republican.  I say we impeach them now, they will probably not retire until their deathbeds.

  6. Thanks all.  I'm ill.  Impeaching a SCROTUS Injustice requires a House majority.  Convicting him in the Senate requires a super-majority of 67.

  7. Another Stolen Election Coming – :mrgreen:

    The radical right-wing has turned America into a lie.

    And some asshole on Fake Fox News will call me an extremist.

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