Are You Ready for Some Neocons?

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Nov 302011

As the popularity of Newt Gingrich grows, it’s critically important that we understand that Newt is a Neocon, just how dangerous Neocons are, and what kind of foreign policy we could expect from Newt.  Those of you who have been active long enough to remember PNAC, know what I’m talking about here.  For starters, lets look at Newt’s foreign policy advisors.

30NEOCONSWhen it comes to foreign policy, the Republican frontrunner likes it old-school. Neo-old school.

We’ve had two foreign policy themed debates in the GOP primary now, which have provided ample opportunity to see what a Republican foreign policy would look like in 2013. And in the case of Newt Gingrich, it would probably look like a kind of neocon fantasy land.

Foreign Policy published an excellent rundown of Gingrich’s foreign policy advising team, most of whom “have known Newt for decades, and see themselves as helping a candidate who already boasts a long track record and well-formed intellectual identity when it comes to foreign policy.”

Here’s a taste of World Team Gingrich:

David Wurmser: Gingrich’s Middle East policy adviser was a notorious member of Vice President Cheney’s inner circle that pushed the U.S. into war in Iraq. Once he was questioned during an espionage probe while in the vice president’s office, and he was one of the names driving the initial support for the later disgraced Ahmed Chalabi. Asked by the Daily Telegraph in 2007 if he was a neocon, he offered this: “There’s nothing ‘neo’ about me. I’m a very medieval sort of guy.”

James Woosley: A former director of the CIA, Woolsey recently spoke at a panel hosted by the founder of Judicial Watch focused on President Obama’s “political jihad promoting Islam around the world.” Woolsey is a serious Iran hawk, warning that the way the West is dealing with the nation at the moment “rhymes with what was taking place in the 1930s [with Nazi Germany]”. Woolsey is a Democrat (of the Lieberman school) but he’s helped Republicans running for president before. In 2008, he advised John McCain.

Stephen Yates: Another ex-Cheney national security team member, Yates is known among other things for his work on China. One former U.S. ambassador to China familiar with Yates says he views “China as the solution to ‘enemy deprivation syndrome.’” As Counterpunch explained the theory, “You need some unifying enemy after the collapse of the Soviet Union.” Not exactly the most productive way to view one of America’s most important trading partner, perhaps… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <TPM>

Quite a rogues gallery, aren’t they?  From the Neocon perspective, war is the solution to all foreign policy problems.  You man not be aware that the Neocons in charge during the Bush Regime intended to attack and conquer seven different nations after Afghanistan.  Here is a clip from October 2007, in which General Wesley Clark lists these countries and explains how he came to know about this Republican scheme.

Clark is a military man, and certainly no bleeding heart, making his testimony exceptionally credible.  Here they are again: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.

The other six attacks never happened, because Republican incompetency turned Afghanistan and Iraq into quagmires. But the Neocons have not changed their stripes.  If Newt becomes President, this will be our foreign policy in addition to a new cold war.


  12 Responses to “Are You Ready for Some Neocons?”

  1. I really appreciate the words of  General Clark;  he just lays it out there for everyone to see and discuss.  He tells you what the Repubs don’t want to be told.  He is an honest man and would have made a much better president than Bush, but then again, my doorstop would have made a better president.  As a reality check, he would have made a really sucky neo-con.

  2. Clark would have been my choice for president. Gingrich as president would mean it’s time to get off the grid and make a fall out shelter.

    What really pisses me off is that by toppling Hussein we took out the only buffer in the middle east. He, even though a paper tiger kept them in check on his border. *shrug* What is one more war crime this current president refuses to prosecute, kind of makes one wonder what kind of a lawyer he is?

  3. The Newtster is the only man Tip O’Neill ever said he hated because the man was inherently evil.

    • Tip was generally right in assessing character – which is why he managed the house so well! Did he ever say anything about Cheney? -I thought that pr**k was the most evil – so that means if the Eft gets to lead this country – we’ll have new methods of torture? Waterboarding is just too kind!

  4. An excellent exerpt and very scarey stuff.

    I said some time ago in one of my posts that Mitt Romney seemed to present the idea that the whole world was America’s oyster, and if there was a pearl out there that it wanted, then the US just had to reach out and take it — Manifest destiny.  This serves to show that this is not maybe, but is an actual plan that was given serious top level voice as far back as 1991.  He talks about Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney — all part of Project for a New American Century who’s goal was to destabilise the Middle East , wrest influence from the Russians and put it under American control.  He spoke of a war that, after Afghanistan, in a 5 year span, would take over Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran.  Well the US attacked Iraq illegally in late 2001 over the stated pretense of WMD and is only this year removing the last troops.  That’s a long 5 years and Iraq is not under US control.  The whole plan fell apart thankfully.  As I recall, under Mr Obama, the US did not want to be the leader of the NATO contingent that helped the Libyan rebels.  Under Mr Obama, the US has stayed away from Syria and the Arab League stepped in to deal with the situation which is still very much ongoing.  Under Mr Obama, the US is walking a tightrope with Isreal, and it is Israel would like to make a pre-emptive strike against Iran.  There is still a great deal of danger out there.

    Clark says that what Americans should be concerned about is the strategy of the US in this region (Middle East).  The issue — What is our aim?  What is our purpose?  Why are we there?  Why are Americans dying in this region?

    In my view, Neocons are the new weapons of mass destruction!  This is about power and greed.  The Neocons want to pluck the pearl from the oyster, and at the same time, plant an oyster bed around the world.  That will be their new cold war, and their legacy to the country and the world if they are allowed into power.

    The Neocons and their influence must be wiped from the face of the earth with the 2012 vote and all subsequent votes.  US citizens must stand on guard.

  5. In thinking some more about the Neocons, I was suddenly shaken by the Axis of Evil phrase that Baby Bush made famous.  Here is what he said according to Wikipedia:

    In his 2002 State of the Union Address, Bush called North Korea “a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.”  He also stated Iran “aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror, while an unelected few repress the Iranian people’s hope for freedom.”  Of the three nations Bush cited, however, he gave the most criticism to Iraq.

    He stated “Iraq continues to flaunt its hostility toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax and nerve gas and nuclear weapons for over a decade. This is a regime that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens, leaving the bodies of mothers huddled over their dead children. This is a regime that agreed to international inspections, then kicked out the inspectors. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world.” Afterwards, Bush stated “states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world.”

    I believe that if the Republican/Teabaggers win in 2012, the United States could legitimately be labelled as part of the Axis of Evil, but if a Neocon were in the White House, the United States would legitimately be part of the Axis of Evil.  What a sorry state of affairs for a once great nation with such promise. 

    This cannot happen.  Get out and vote for a sane world.  Vote Democrat!

  6. Some really scary stuff here—

  7. Hi buddy, I appreciate you for making Neocons abstraction more serious. I found the info you provide here is informative and people should know about such thing. I’ll share this post info with others and interested to read more about Neocons. Thanks 🙂

  8. I don’t really know if Newt is a neocon. In operational style, his history says that he is whatever pays him the best.

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