May 272010

I don’t like Chris Matthews.  I think he’s a prima donna.  His bias against Obama in the 2008 primary season was self-evident, and although I was undecided at the time, I disapproved of his tactics.  Nevertheless, he did something yesterday too good not to share:

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  7 Responses to “A Compelling Argument to Repeal DADT”

  1. What a terrific letter. This DADT along with DOMA should have never been put in place (thanks Bill Clinton) and now it is hindering gay people’s civil rights. I want both of these gone, asap. Ridiculous right wing propaganda is all that both of these are. Jesus has no place in our laws and if he were here, I bet he would say the same thing. Come on God, smite these people already!

    • I don’t like Chris Matthew much either, he seems to change sides like people change socks. You can never tell which way he will go. I still remember that interview with Mann Coulter as he was fawning all over her and her new book. Disgusting.

    • Lisa, if memory serves, DADT was a misbegotten attempt on Clinton’s part to protect gays from ongoing attempts by the military leadership to root them out. At the time, it was an improvement over what was, but he could not get more through a GOP Congress. My memory could be off, but wasn’t DOMA passed over his veto?

  2. It’s good to hear people speaking out against this cornball policy, but having a compelling argument to repeal DADT is like having a compelling argument to not eat toxic waste. So much dark ages belief in this dumb country.

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