Apr 182015

Because the weather turned warm, the street natives turned restless.  Last night, they partied yelling and screaming, all night long and kept me awake.  Therefore I’m taking the day off.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:51 (average 5:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  28 Responses to “Personal Update–4/18/2015”

  1. 4:50 average still 5:23.  For heaven's sake don't put any of this in your water bowl – or even in your litter box!  Oh, sorry, no worries, you won't, even I beat you, if only by one second.

    I'm not here mentally either, also due to a disrupted sleep cycle, though mine was from my long day yesterday.  I've been falling asleep on the keyboard.  Bye, see y'all later, hopefully awake LOL.

    Yes, Einstein is to be missed, like so many.

  2. 3:32  Glad to see that you are feeling better, TomCat.  (I know because your puzzle time has slowed down.)

  3. Gotta luv Luv LUV this chef down in Austin, TX who took the RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) and put it to good use.

    She was given a citation by the Police (I suppose we can be thankful that at least she wasn't shot) w/ a potential $2,000 fine because … SHE WAS FEEDING HOMELESS PEOPLE from her "Chow Train" van – for which she has a food Permit!

    She now is claiming it's her protected right to do because of her religious beliefs.  (Gotta wonder if they'll try to call JC to the stand as a character witness.  I think she's in good stead.)



    • Thanks–I love that kind of story.

    • Good for her, she turned their hypocritical law right back on them. 

    • I LOVE this lady, Joan Cheever.  She is indeed doing what Jesus and the Bible teach us!  Thank you Joan Cheever!

    • God bless and protect Joan Cheever – please let us know, Nameless, if she needs us to sign petitions/write emails, 'cos I will with joy (and I am sure others will also)  to help someone who is actually living out her faith!

      It also proves the intent of their laws, doesn't it – they INTEND the hungry not to be fed – totally against Jesus' commands in Matthew 36 – 40, and Matthew 25 31 – end [Repuglicants take special note of verse 40]and other places….



    • Like Pat A, I will be more than happy to sign for her should the need arise (though it sounds like she can take care of herself in court very competently, a show of support could not hurt). 

      Also like Pat A, I clearly see that what is standing between the homeless and a better life is NOT money but the attitude that the poor can never be made to suffer enough.  Otherwise everyone would be doing this – look at the money it saves:  http://www.upworthy.com/a-utah-towns-solution-to-homelessness-is-so-good-every-state-will-be-mad-that-they-werent-first

    • Kudos to Joan, but I suspect that in TX, RFRA referrs exclusively to Republican Supply-Side Jesus.  Therefore she would be covered only if she was taking food from the poor to feed the super-rich.

    • She is a queen to those people and they want to criminalize helping people? Only in Texass!

  4. A friend brought half a meal that I completed to avoid that kind of activity on her street so I can empathize.  Albert Einstein also was an excellent violin player.  Math and music often go together as strengths.

  5. Puzzle — 2:46  Appears I am cooking with gas today!

    Cartoon — Einstein was so not a Republicanus/Teabaggerum! . . . at least not according to some of these quotes.

    "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

    "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

    "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

    "Force always attracts men of low morality."

    "The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive."

    I remember learning years ago "I don't have have to remember everything, only where to find it." and having it attributed to Einstein.  Trouble is, I cannot find any reference to it under Einstein, but the words have certainly proven correct.  It appears it may be attributable to  Sophonisba Breckinridge  as “You don’t have to know everything, but you should learn how and where to find the things you need and want to know.”  She was a lawyer, educator, social scientist, and civil rights activist from an abolitionist Kentucky family who was born 01 April 1866 and died in Chicago 30 July 1948.

  6. TC, sorry you didn't get any sleep, hope you slept the day away.  Thanks for the cartoon.  

  7. Sorry about your bad night TC!

  8. Thanks all!  Yawn!! Hugs!!!

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