NRA Ad Goes Overboard

 Posted by at 1:11 pm  Politics
Jun 302017

Lest Republicans accuse me of being anti-gun, let me start by setting the record straight.  Although I own no guns now, I have for most of my life.  In my youth I hunted for food.  I was even a member of the NRA, and I earned my Sharpshooter ranking with nine bars.  This was back when the NRA was a fine public service organization dedicated to gun safety, education and training, and if they were to return to what they were then, I would happily support them again.  I oppose them now because they have become a lobbyist for gun manufacturers and a spokesman for GOP Ammosexuals, political violence, and racial hatred.


Take a look at the ad below and ask whether the National Rifle Association can go any lower. Ponder this flagrant call for violence, this insidious advocacy of hate delivered with a sneer, this threat of civil war, this despicable use of propaganda to arouse rebellion against the rule of law and the ideals of democracy.

On the surface this is a recruitment video for the National Rifle Association. But what you are really about to see is a call for white supremacy and armed insurrection, each word and image deliberately chosen to stir the feral instincts of troubled souls who lash out in anger and fear:

Disgusting. Dishonorable. Dangerous. But also deliberate. Everything deplored by the NRA in the ad is committed by “they” — a classic manipulation turning anyone who disagrees with your point of view into “The Other” — something alien, evil, foreign… 

From <Alternet>

Barf Bag Alert!!


Need I say More?


Jun 302017

As June comes to an end, it’s heat wave time in Portland with 88° forecast and high humidity, currently 62%.  I need to install a new poll tomorrow morning.  Does anyone have a good idea for a poll question? 

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:40 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Fox News shames Medicaid recipients

Barf Bag Alert!!


The only way the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, can defend RepubliCare is to viciously attack RepubliCare’s intended victims. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: Donald Trump’s Achilles’ Heel and/or the soft, dark, underbelly of his weakness is clearly his ego. So, it would make sense that one way for the frustrated and angry American people to get back at him would be to mock his fragile, legend-in-his-own-mind, immature self-importance. Donald Trump has been called the man-child/boy-president and been spoofed all over the Internet with images of him as a grown toddler. You can see some of those images here. This video falls right in line.


I shared the long version, because I could embed it. The character in the video is far too ethical, mature, and well-behaved to be Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten. RESIST!!

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Trump allies work to smear FBI, discredit Russia investigation

Matthew Miller, former chief spokesman for the Justice Department, talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump allies going on offense to discredit the FBI officials and the Trump Russia investigation.


Both Snake in the Grassley and Lindsey Poo will stop at nothing to protect their Fuhrer and their Reich from the truth. RESIST!!



Jun 302017

This will be very short bits and pieces because my pseudo-uncle (my aunt’s brother) just got released from the hospital and needs to have someone stay with him.  His son is a head pharmacist of the oncology section at a large teaching hospital here in KCMO and has to be at work (and his other three kids live out of town).  So my pseudo-aunt (his other sister) and I are going to stay with him today.

We’re all aware of the Tweet storm Twitler set off – AGAIN – with another misogynistic series against Mika Brzezinski.   I think today’s front page of the New York Daily News aptly summarizes how the huge majority of Americans view Twitler’s toddler behavior.

It’s time for Melania to take notes from her predecessor on how to deal with this.

But I did get a kick out of Mika’s trolling rejoinder to the insults

And if you’re as tired of seeing Twitler’s mug – and happen to use Chrome as your browser – you can install an extension that will change the news sourced pictures he’s in to cute little kittens.  But it doesn’t work with social media sites.

Background story:

Chrome Extension Link:

And you’ll get a huge kick from the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, giving Twitler some sound advice on how to avoid starting a nuclear war.  The entire five minutes are well worth it!

But let’s end on an upbeat note and enjoy a symphony orchestra concert in Turkey.  If you’re lucky, you can grab a front row seat just like this dog did …

It’s pretty clear that …

His Bach was worse than his bite.


Samantha Bee from 6/28

 Posted by at 1:08 pm  Politics
Jun 292017

It’s that time of week again, so here are four excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!!

Medicaid’s Last Stand


RepubliCare would not cut Medicaid, the Pope is not Catholic, and bears never, ever shit in the woods.

ICE Unleashed


That Republicans hate Latinos is not news.

Persisting 101 with Elizabeth Warren


Here’s the complete list of Sam’s guests that she has not outshined: Liz.

Last Call for Nasty Women


Now that’s nasty!

If you enjoyed those, have a good chuckle.  Done?


Jun 292017

I’m sorry to say that the heat is returning.  Although today’s forecast is only 82°, the sun hit the outside wall at 6:00 AM, and by 8:00, I had to close the windows, lower the blinds, and turn on the AC.  It’s another muggy day.  Speaking of muggy, I put in the mug order last night.  Lona’s is the first I’ve customized, since my eye cancer surgery.  I hope I lined everything up right.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:17 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Scientist says EPA asked her to change testimony to Congress

Deborah Swackhamer, chair of the E.P.A.’s Board of Scientific Counselors, talks with Rachel Maddow about the pressure she received from an EPA official to change her congressional testimony and how the EPA’s outside scientific review board has been "decimated."


Kudos to Deborah Swackhamer. She ought to take that hammer and swack Scott Pruitt upside the head. RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: Foreign-born recruits who signed up for the military with the promise of U.S. citizenship in exchange for their service are finally getting their thanks in the form of deportation. MAGA.

According to a new report, the Pentagon is considering ending the contracts of a large number of foreign-born recruits in the Military Accessions Vital to National Interest program—which puts service members with foreign-language and other speciality [sic] skills on an expedited path to citizenship—due to an “overtasked vetting process and heightened security risk.”

But according to one former official, this can be something as innocuous as having a foreign relative, which would be expected of a foreign-born applicant in the first place. And due to the fact that the federal government already has so much of their personal information on file, many of these recruits would be “prime targets” for immediate deportation.

Basically, “Thank you for your service. Now get out”

These people served our country honorably and in good faith.  It’s disgusting that Republican racists don’t consider promises made to folks they call mud-people binding. RESIST!!

From NY Times: President Trump’s nominee for general counsel of the Transportation Department, Steven G. Bradbury [Pig delinked], is coming under fire by Democrats and human rights advocates for his role in providing legal blessing for waterboarding and other torture techniques used by the Central Intelligence Agency on terrorism suspects during the administration of George W. Bush.

Amid interruptions by anti-torture protesters at his confirmation hearing on Wednesday before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, Democrats grilled Mr. Bradbury about interrogation memos he wrote as head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel during Mr. Bush’s second term.

“You lacked the judgment to stand up and say what is morally right when pressured by the president of the United States, and I’m afraid you would do so again,” said Senator Tammy Duckworth, Democrat of Illinois, who wagged her finger at Mr. Bradbury and accused him of having a dangerous “rubber stamp” mentality. “I cannot oppose this nomination strongly enough.”

Like Tammy, I cannot oppose the appointment of a Republican War Criminal strongly enough, RESIST!!



Jun 282017

For years now, ever since Barack Obama and the Democratic Party passed the ACA, Republicans have been fighting tooth and nail to establish death panels to ensure that Granny, along with any other poor Americans, who cannot pay for quality health care, will die before she has a chance to interfere with Republican welfare for billionaires.  Therefore, I’m most pleased that Republicans had to pull the Senate version of RepubliCare, because not enough Republican Senators were willing to commit political suicide by voting for it.


Facing intransigent Republican opposition, the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, on Tuesday delayed a vote on legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act, dealing another setback to Republicans’ seven-year effort to dismantle the health law and setting up a long, heated summer of health care battles.

Mr. McConnell faced resistance from across his conference, not only from the most moderate and conservative senators but from others as well. Had he pressed forward this week, he almost surely would have lacked the votes even to begin debate on the bill.

“We will not be on the bill this week, but we’re still working toward getting at least 50 people in a comfortable place,” said Mr. McConnell, who is known as a canny strategist but was forced to acknowledge on Tuesday that he had more work to do.

The delay pushes Senate consideration of the bill until after a planned recess for the Fourth of July, but it does not guarantee that Republican senators will come together. Opponents of the bill, including patient advocacy groups and medical organizations, plan to lobby senators in their home states next week. Senators are likely to be dogged by demonstrators. Democrats vowed to keep up the pressure, and some Republican senators have suggested that their votes will be difficult to win… [emphasis added]

From <NY Times>

The most important thing we need to understand is that killing Granny is far too important to the Republican Reich for them to give up now, especially when saving her life might reduce a billionaire’s tax cut by a few bucks.  Bought Bitch Mitch will bring it back, as both Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow confirm.

Kirsten Gillibrand on health care fight: ‘This is not over’

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand weighs in on what comes next now that Republicans have delayed a vote on their health care bill.


Victorious activists stay vigilant for next GOP health bill

Senator Cory Booker talks with Rachel Maddow about the public activism that contributed to the Republican failure to pass their health/tax plan and why it’s too soon for opponents of the Republican bill to celebrate.


It is imperative that we make life a living hell for Republican Senators as they return home for the 4th of July recess, and not let up for a moment, until a Senator commits firmly and unequivocally to vote against RepubliCare.  Make sure they know that voting for it will cost them their jobs.


Jun 282017

Yesterday the building had still not bled-off enough heat to be comfortable, but this morning, I could finally turn off the AC for the first time in days.  I did get some sleep, but I need more.  I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver groceries this afternoon.  This evening Wendy is coming to de-stink the TomCat, who has stunk since an hour after my shower on Sunday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:24 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Why Are We Appeasing Trump? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


I agree with Keith on everything he said, except for one thing. Overthrowing Trump will not stop the hatred or abuse of power. Trump is where he is for one reason. With very rare exceptions, Trump personifies the politicians in the Republican Party. Putting Pence or Ryan in the White House will be just as bad for America, as is having Trump there now. RESIST!!

From Washington Post: President Trump’s administration will revoke a rule that gives the Environmental Protection Agency broad authority over regulating the pollution of wetlands and tributaries that run into the nation’s largest rivers, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said Tuesday.

Testifying before Congress, Pruitt — who earlier said he would recuse himself from working on active litigation related to the rule — said that the agency would “provide clarity” by “withdrawing” the rule and reverting standards to those adopted in 2008.

The earth is far too precious a ball to sacrifice it to Republicans that don’t have any. RESIST!!

From TPM: Former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin filed suit against the New York Times Company on Tuesday, alleging defamation following a June 14 Times editorial that the paper later said incorrectly tied political violence to incitement.

Specifically, Palin alleged that the Times knowingly linked one of her political advertisements — which showed rifle crosshairs hovering over certain Democratically controlled congressional districts — to the 2011 shooting at an event held by one representative under a crosshair, Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ).

After a shooting at a Republican congressional baseball practice on June 14, which left Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) in critical condition, a Times editorial asserted that, in the case of the Giffords shooting, “the link to political incitement was clear.”

“Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs,” it added.

The Gray Lady did not link Palin to the Gaby Giffords shooting. Bloody Bullseye Barbie linked herself to it.




Jun 272017

I don’t know why, but I could not sleep again last night, and between exhaustion and feeling sick of writing about the latest evidence of Republican treason and the latest Republican ploy to kill Granny, I need to make this today’s only article.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:26 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): The Amazing New Trump Defense | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


I think I’m going to puke! RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: A goodly number of progressives rejected Hillary Clinton on the grounds that she wasn’t good enough for them. Their most common claim was that she is just as bad as Mr. Trump. I have a few questions for them:

Would Hillary Clinton have pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords?

Would Hillary Clinton have greatly accelerated deportations of illegal aliens?

Would Hillary Clinton have attempted to ban Muslims from entering this country?

Would Hillary Clinton have appointed Chelsea Clinton to an important position in the White House?

Would Hillary Clinton have encouraged foreign diplomats to pay inflated prices for her products?

How foolish, thoughtless and selfish they behaved! Click through. The list is a long one. RESIST!!

From NY Times: The Senate bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act was edging toward collapse on Monday after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said it would increase the number of people without health insurance by 22 million by 2026.

Two Republicans, Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, said Monday that they would vote against even debating the health care bill, joining Senator Dean Heller of Nevada, who made the same pledge on Friday. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin hinted that he, too, would probably oppose taking up the bill on a procedural vote expected as early as Tuesday, meaning a collapse could be imminent.

“It’s worse to pass a bad bill than pass no bill,” Mr. Paul told reporters.

Ms. Collins wrote on Twitter on Monday evening that she wanted to work with her colleagues from both parties to fix flaws in the Affordable Care Act, but that the budget office’s report showed that the “Senate bill won’t do it.”

Heller and Collins are only two. We can’t depend on Idiot, Son of Idiot, Named after Idiot. RESIST!!


