May 312015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how disastrous InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Phyllis Schlafly: Women enjoy the wage gap.

0531Phyllis_SchlaflyAnti-feminist crackpot Phyllis Schafly proved once again this week that she has never actually spoken to a single woman in her life. She has written another book, (hooray, what the world needs now is another Phyllis Schlafly book! She has written, oh,  like, 20 of them! Turning 90 has not slowed her down one bit!) The new one is called “Who Killed The American Family.” It’s a whodunit, of course, and as Right Wing Watch points out, "Spoiler: It’s not just the gays.”

Though there are many co-conspirators in the murder of the family, Schalfly zeroed in on an odd one durign the interview: “The free trade people who have done the work of the feminists by getting rid of [middle class] jobs.”

Kay, a little confused. Is this uber-Republican against a free market and free trade? And since when did feminists make it their mandate to get rid of middle class jobs? We must have missed that meeting.

Did someone say jobs? That reminds Schafly of the gender pay gap, which she said is actually something that women like. Unequal pay is a turn on.

“Women like to marry a man who makes more than she does,” she explained, patiently, again, “so then she can take time off and work fewer hours when she has something she’d rather do like have a kid and look after her children. So the pay gap, really, is something that women like.”

Schlafly has an interesting list of co-conspirators which she shared with VCY America’s very informative show “Crosstalk.”

No-fault/unilateral divorce, U.N. treaties from bureaucrats that don’t understand our way of life, expensive college loans and the family courts.  Also, there’s welfare reform, globalism vs. homemakers, psychological disorders, advice from newspapers, over-medicating children, and the influence of television and more.

She would have mentioned the Internet, but she does not know what that is.

There’s also the kitchen sink.

And the gays. Did we mention the gays?

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I trust she also believes that women prefer to go shoeless and love the Republican requirement od pregnancy on demand.  This is just the fifth of five disastrous Republican moments from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.

May 312015

Yesterday was a bad day for resting.  When  I went down to bask in the sunshine, I realized that all my spots were occupied.  The city rents put the sidewalk in front of my building for about $30 a head to watch the Rose Festival Starlight Parade.  The noise below my window magnified as the day progressed, and it did not abate until after 1 AM, when the street sweepers went through.  I’ve taken some shortcuts today, because I’m so tired.  The following video is four years old, but it will give you an idea od what it’s like from a sidewalk renter’s perspective.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes: (All Daily Kos Classics)

From Daily Kos: Pat Robertson advises 80 year old tither to get her butt to work

Barf Bag Alert!!


September, 2014. He personifies Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian greed.

From Daily Kos:

So there’s this thing that measures how happy people are:

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which interviewed more than 176,000 people from all 50 states last year, measures the physical and emotional health of Americans across the country.

So take a gander at the states with the most miserable people:

10. Louisiana
9. Oklahoma
8. Missouri
7. Tennessee
6. Arkansas
5. Ohio
4. Alabama
3. Mississippi
2. Kentucky
1. West Virginia

February, 2014. I’m not surprised. Are you? I see a direct correlation between degree of Republican rule and misery.

From Daily Kos: Which party is best for the economy? It’s not even close

September 2012 Click through for a great collection of graphics. Here’s just one:





Will Jon Change His Mind?

 Posted by at 2:19 pm  Politics
May 302015

I feel so sorry for Jon Stewart.  Here he is about to leave his job, just as the clown car of 2016 Republican candidates is growing so rapidly and idiotically that it promises to become a comedians’’ mother lode of epic proportions.  Watch him drool in anticipation.  The poor man is beside himself!


Since the last time Jon checked in on the increasingly sprawling Republican field for President, several more also-rans joined in: cherub Tennesse Williams character Lindsey Graham, frothy SEO disaster Rick Santorum, the forgotten George Pataki, and 19th century orientalist and cartoonishly evil corporate overlord Carly Fiorina. But one, in particular, Donald Trump, really gave the Daily Show host pause. After the Donald’s smug, trolly face came on screen, Stewart paused, bit his fist and exclaimed, "No, no I’ve made up my mind… God, maybe I’ll get a twitter account."

Let’s hope so!…

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Laugh Bag Alert!!

I think I know how he feels.  I’m thinking about having bionic fingers implanted, because I fear this campaign will wear my natural ones down to stubs!!

May 302015

After returning from my volunteer work in prison, I slept for more than my norm and am feeling a bit groggy still.  I have another bust month ahead, but for the weekend, it’s writing, snoozing and basking in the early summer weather.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:55 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: 10 Ideas to Save the Economy: Strengthen Unions

Inequality has skyrocketed as unions have weakened. That is no accident.


The Reich on the left is right. The Reich on the right is worse than wrong. It is Republican. I have never been a union member. I have never crossed a picket line. I do not intend to do so ever. This is the seventh video in the series. Please click through to MoveOn and share it from there.

From The New Yorker: Calling the Obama Administration’s actions against the soccer organization “weak and ineffective,” Senator John McCain on Thursday proposed military action to “dismantle and destroy FIFA once and for all.”

“These are people who only understand one thing: force,” McCain said on the floor of the United States Senate. “We must make FIFA taste the vengeful might and fury of the United States military.”

McCain said that he was “completely unimpressed” by the Department of Justice’s arrests of several top FIFA lieutenants this week, calling the action “the kind of Band-Aid solution that this Administration, sadly, has become famous for.”

“Rounding up a few flunkies in a hotel is meaningless when the leader of FIFA remains at large,” he said. “I will follow Sepp Blatter to the gates of Hell.”…

When will Andy call for military action against McConJob?

From Upworthy: What’s happening to put a stop to plastic microbeads?

Right now, about 18 U.S. states including California, Canada, Australia, and several countries in Europe are considering banning products that contain plastic microbeads. Unfortunately, industry is pushing back with a bill that leaves loopholes for the microbeads to be replaced with other kinds of plastics. The Story of Stuff Project is leading a coalition of over 100 groups to get these tiny plastic beads out of commerce. Ban the beads!


I learned about this several months ago. I had no idea I had been using a body wash with microbeads. I stopped immediately. I fully support banning them.



May 292015

I just returned home from my prison volunteer trip.  The banquet was most enjoyable, but tainted with some bad news.  The inside President of our group is in the bucket for a dirty UA.  That wi8ll translate to less cooperation from officials, as we try to implement additional services.  One of my guys is getting out in August,  His son committed suicide over issues completely unrelated to his release.  That will put him under major pressure.  I would greatly appreciate your thoughts, wishes and prayers for both, please.  I haven’t even unpacked yet, and I hear a bed calling my name.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:27 (average 4:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

TC on the bus:


May 282015

I’m sitting in my motel room.  Their wi-fi is mud.  Yesterday I had an executive planning meeting.  This afternoon is the annual meeting of our Board of Directors.  This evening is my guys’ annual Awards Banquet, a social occasion with them and their families.  I’ll be home tomorrow afternoon.  I’m tired, but I love this.  It’s who I am.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:08 (average 4:49).  To do it click here.   How did you do?

This is OSP.


May 272015

By the time most of you read this I will have left on my prison volunteer trip and will return Friday afternoon  I do have one short take today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:09 (average 5:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From MoveOn: 10 Ideas to Save the Economy: End Corporate Welfare

Your tax dollars are going into corporate coffers, not funding investments that help all of us.


Our Reich on the left is right. Their Reich on the right is wrong. This is the sixth video in the series. Please click through to MoveOn and share it from there.



May 262015

Imagine, if you will, a serial killer that goes through an area claiming several victims.  Now I ask you this.  How can the states in the region take the necessary steps to apprehend and prosecute the killer to protect their other citizens, as long as the governments of those states continue to insist that the killer does not exist?

0526FloodRecord-setting rains left officials in Texas and Oklahoma scrambling to assess the scope of the damage and destruction Monday as an emergency coordinator told reporters that a dozen people were missing in one county.

The 12 people missing in Hays County, Texas, come from families who had gathered for the long weekend, said Ken Bell, emergency coordinator for San Marcos, one of the cities hardest hit by the storms and flooding.

The group likely includes children, Bell said. The county still has Internet problems, and cell phone networks are overwhelmed.

"People outside our community know more about what’s going on than people inside our community," Bell said.

The severe weather has left at least four people dead, including one in Texas and three in Oklahoma, and washed away hundreds of homes. The storms are easing up, but it doesn’t mean the threat is gone…

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Here’s the video.

First, let me express my condolences to and prayers for all who have been harmed, all in harm’s way, and all who love them.

Even as the effects of global climate change are killing their citizens, the governments of Texas and Oklahoma, along with the rest of the Republican Party, continue to claim that this killer does not exist.
