The Return of Death Panel BS

 Posted by at 1:04 am  Politics
Aug 122013

In 2009, Republicans and pretended to want health care reform, they were stalling to tie it up in committee long enough to get to their summer town hall meetings and turn on the lies.  Chief among those lies originated from Mooseolini, who claimed that ObamaCare had death panels to kill senior citizens by withholding needed care.  See based it on the provision to cover end of life counseling coverage included in the bill.  It had been placed there at the request of a Republican.  Well, albeit slightly modified, the death panel BS is back.

12Reince-PriebusOn Sunday, CNN’s State of the Union invited Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus to offer what turned out to be little more than a dump of Republican talking points opposing the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare is “European, socialist style-type health care,” Priebus told CNN. He even claimed that Republicans — who have now voted to repeal Obamacare’s protections for people with preexisting conditions 40 different times — are the true defenders of people who are unable to obtain health insurance without health reform. And then he dropped the death panels line — “what people don’t want are government panels deciding whether something’s medically necessary.”…

GOPDeathFlame…Priebus’ decision to drop this line without any context whatsoever represents an innovation in Republican messaging against providing health care to millions of Americans. The “death panel” smear originally emerged on former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R-AK) Facebook page [Mooseolini delinked], and was widely viewed at the time as an attack on a bipartisan proposal to enable Medicare to cover voluntary end-of-life counseling. After that proposal was dropped from the bill that ultimately became the Affordable Care Act, several Republicans — including Palin once again — retconned the term “death panels” to refer to a cost-cutting measure known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board or IPAB.

Although the IPAB is empowered to take some measures to bring down Medicare costs if those costs grow faster than a certain rate, it is expressly forbidden to take any action that might qualify as rationing care

Inserted from <Think Progress>

The ObamaCare deal panel rumor was thoroughly debunked years ago, but Republicans love to use projection to blame Democrats for what Republicans and those they represent do.  How many times have  you heard about people dying because they could get no coverage or because Big Insurance death panels decides a completely unrelated preexisting condition was a good enough excuse not to provide care?  There are other death panels, consisting of Republican politicians.  People are dying, because Republicans, at the state level have refused federal money to expand Medicaid.  Before the Brewerstan Death Angel, Jan Brewer caned in on Medicaid expansion, she cut the program to give a tax cut to millionaires.  In so doing, she cut at least two people, already scheduled for life-saving transplants, who subsequently died.  Now how many times have you heard about lives being saved, because ObamaCare outlawed those Big Insurance abuses?  Lots, I bet!RepubliCare, not ObamaCare, is the health policy with the built in death benefit: Pay or Die!

Aug 122013

Writing for tomorrow, day 59, it is now 86° at my desk and may actually get cooler as the day progresses.  Then the heat is forecast to return for the week. 

Update:  Sunday is a minor holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  It is worship that dies not count because it is for the testing of acolytes’ and veterans’ skill.  It has zero effect on our fantasy league, which begins next month.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:41 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: In Wisconsin, the Department of Administration has now released a statement that observers of the Solidarity Sing Along will no longer be arrested or threatened with arrest. Videos of tourists being threatened with arrest, and complaints from legislators who were threatened with arrest for merely observing the Sing Along, have proven an embarrassment to Walker.

Prior to today, not only were non-participants at the Capitol warned of possible arrest, but in some cases they were actually arrested.


Any time anyone, especially labor, backs down Scott Walker, the Fartfuhrer of Fitzwalkerstan, they get kudos from me!

From MSNBC: Ed’s Trenders

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I wonder is Injustices SS Scalia and Teabag Thomas attended the Koch Sucking festival AGAIN. Of course Lyin’ Ryan will stand with the Koch Brothers.  They have owned him for a long time.

From Alternet: The Right-wing crazies may have truly outdone themselves this week. With Congress taking its summer break, Tea Partiers and other kooks were suddenly uncorked (that word will come up again in another context, so look for it), taking to the airwaves, appealing to their bases, and saying some of the nuttiest things we have ever heard. With straight faces! Things like, “tanning beds are racist," "Wendy Davis is an ‘Abortion Barbie,’" "climate change is a religion" — you cannot make this stuff up. And if you did, no one would believe you.

1. Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL): Obama’s tax on tanning beds is racist

The InsaniTEA never ends. Perhaps it’s an Agent Orange Tax. ;-)  Click through for the rest of this and the other five insane statements from Republicans last week.




Dump Clapper

 Posted by at 12:57 am  Politics
Aug 112013

I have not become very involved in writing about the surveillance issue, because I am not comfortable taking stands on issues I know very little about, and the problem is that there is so little transparency that the people who want to know more, can’t.  I do have some thoughts on the matter, and what I think will be a good starting point.

11.ClapperWith the conviction of Bradley Manning and asylum granted to Edward Snowden in Russia, it may be time to turn attention away from the controversy over their actions and toward the government—specifically, the intelligence community. Whatever ultimate judgment is leveled on Manning’s or Snowden’s actions, they have raised real questions about the ways that the United States gathers, uses and classifies information.

The first order of business is to restore a semblance of democratic order within the government itself. Somehow amid the hunt for Snowden and the trial of Manning, the misconduct of James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, has seemingly been excused. But if the actions of Manning and Snowden required prosecution, then what Clapper did deserves investigation and censure at the very least.

Testifying on surveillance by the National Security Agency last March, Clapper appeared at a Senate committee hearing where Senator Ron Wyden asked: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?”

“No, sir,” Clapper replied. The he added:“Not wittingly.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Truthdig>

Rachel Maddow covered the surveillance in her opening segment.

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I agree with Obama concerning the Olympics, but I support moving them out of Russia.   I agree with him on health care and immigration reform, except that both need to go further.

I agree with him that the unPATRIOT Act needs to be changed. I agree that the FISA court needs to be reformed. However, Congress must make those reforms, and this Republican House may not do so.

On drones, I respect that he will not answer questions about why certain terrorists were targeted.  Whatever they were doing that gave them away, it’s best that Al Qaeda not be told what is was, so they can stop doing it.

I understand that, if Obama does not use the national security tools the law has given him, a national security failure would result in Republicans taking power, and they would convert the US into a totalitarian Regime like North Carolina, aka McCrorystan.  Therefore. we must change the law.

I do want more evidence that these powers are not being abused.  Although I tend to think that Obama is not knowingly abusing them.  Some of his appointees and/or nonpartisan career employees may be, and I have no doubt that a Republican President would.  Clapper did abuse them.   He intentionally lied to the Senate of the United States, when asked for transparency. He and any other federal official found to be abusing the law should be immediately terminated, and the abuse investigated.

Aug 112013


Here is the eighteenth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) for spreading an insane conspiracy theory regarding climate change, and for pandering to racial fear in support of that theory.

11EarthDay2Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), a senior member of the House Science Committee, used a portion of his time at a town hall this week to launch into a rant about global warming, which he described as a plot by liberals to “create global government to control our lives.”

The congressman prefaced his remarks by noting that he wanted to respond to comments from Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), who said recently that ongoing wildfires in Southern California have been exacerbated by a dry season that is the result of climate change. Rohrabacher, speaking Thursday afternoon before the Newport Mesa Tea Party, then launched into a discussion about how the science of global warming has been promulgated by a cabal of scientists, liberal politicians and United Nation “global government” types. These forces, who would like to usurp American liberty, could even be from Nigeria, he warned

…Rohrabacher also argued that government-funded scientists have received “so much money” for research that “they have used it to intimidate people who disagree with their attempt to frighten all of us into changing our lives and giving up our freedoms to make choices.” The conspiracy to destroy freedom is apparently very vast… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

Here’s the video:

Rohrabacker may well be the most dangerous of the Republicans on Parade to date.  Unlike the norm, screaming rants, he comes across gentle and low key, but the content of his statement is every bit as hateful and racist as that of the most rabid Republican Klansman.

Aug 112013

As I write for tomorrow, day 58, it’s 82° at my desk.  Instead of getting a thunderstorm, the sun just hit the breezeway, so my continued comfort depends on whether it stays out long enough to superheat the air trapped there.  Yesterday a church group visited the building, including the Republican Mayor of a Portland suburb.  He is a nice guy, and unlike most Republicans, he will listen.  In discussing the applicability of the Old Testament to today.  I think I frustrated him, as he told me it would be wrong for me to stone my noisy next door neighbor to death for mixing meat and dairy.  He also said that, even if I move to his town, he will not allow me to own a Canadian, although the OT authorizes it. On the down side, I fell into the donut hole yesterday.  Major ARGH!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:57 (average 5:06).  To do it, click here.

Short Takes:

From TPM: These days it seems no gaffe will stay hidden for long.

The recording of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) campaign manager that surfaced Thursday — you know, the “holding my nose” one — is just one among a collection of taped gaffes that have taken off in recent years.

From George Allen’s “macaca” incident to Mitt Romney’s infamous 47 percent comment, here’s a recap of some taped gaffes that the politicians themselves probably never thought would go public…

Click through for four wonderful videos of Republicans caught with a foot as deeply embedded in their mouths, as their heads are embedded up their asses.

From MSNBC: Move the Olympics to Vancouver!


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Beam those Olympics elsewhere, Mr. Sulu! Everyone, please sign the petition, I did.

From Newstimes: The still-raw emotions created by the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and its aftermath, boiled over here Friday, as gun rights supporters poured into the local Starbucks, to the dismay of many.

The Church Hill Road store, normally open until 9:30 p.m. closed at 4:30 p.m. A sign posted on the front of the store said it did so "out of respect for Newtown and everything our community has been through.

For these hate-filled armed Republicans to pull an "open carry" event in Newtown demonstrates a total lack of respect for the suffering that town has undergone. Kudos to the local Starbucks there for kicking the bastards out!



Wow! Was putting them on camera a mistake or what. For a mind blowing experience, check out the 1924 election map.

Aug 102013

Obama and the Democratic Party have worked hard to pass immigration reform, even bending over backwards on some absurd border security pork.  But the Republican leadership and base, have blocked it and tried to project blame onto Democrats, as always.  Nevertheless, it might be possible to pass it, in spite of them.

GOPImmigrationRep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) told Post Politics’ Ed O’Keefe in a newly released interview that the House has more than enough GOP votes — around 40 or 50 — to pass comprehensive immigration reform if it were brought to a vote.

But Gutierrez said Republicans who support the idea are staying deliberately quiet to avoid a backlash from conservative activists.

“Some of them I’ve spoken to, and they say, ‘Love to do the activity with you, I want to be able to vote for it, I really don’t need to draw attention to myself at this point,’ but we can count on it,” Gutierrez said…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

The technique for passing it is called a discharge petition.  Rachel Maddow explained how one works.  Here’s the part of one of her stories that explained discharge petitions:

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In short, if 218 Representatives sign a discharge petition, all the Democrats and just 17 Republicans, the bill comes to the floor no mater what the Plutocons and Corporacons, who want a cheap and complaint free undocumented workforce to enslave and exploit, have to say.  If there are 50 willing to vote for it,  Gutierrez should be able to get 17 to sign.

Aug 102013

Writing for tomorrow, day 57, it’s 86° at my desk and, if it stays cloudy, it may be no worse.  Tomorrow and Sunday there is a 30% chance for rain.  Oh Lord!  Pleeeeeeeeease!!!!  On a negative note, I just fell through the Donut Hole. 🙁

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:04 (average 5:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: While I share Prince’s frustration with the media, as a liberal, I’d like to go on record and state that the media isn’t focusing on issues I care about. They seem to be far more focused on entertainment and making money.

Don’t believe me?

If you know anyone who still believes in a "liberal media," here’s 15 things everyone would know if there really were a "liberal media"

Click through for a gut wrenching list list that will leave no doubt in your mind,

From Alternet: Laughable: Rumor of Tea Party Boycott of Ebony Magazine Spreads After Trayvon Martin Cover

Dang! How can Ebony Magazine survive if they lose the Hood and Sheet contingent of their supporters?!!? 😉

From CREDO: The Texas Taliban — also known as the right-wing majority on the Texas State Board of Education — wants to revise the state’s standards for science textbooks to require the addition of religious pseudoscience when teaching subjects like biology. And this isn’t just bad news for Texas schoolchildren, because the Texas standards will impact the textbooks used by millions of students nationwide.

The Texas State Board of Education recently invited a small group of people to review the biology textbooks that will be used for the next eight years, starting in 2014. But more than half of the reviewers are right-wing religious ideologues,1 some of whom are even skeptics of Darwin’s theory of evolution — considered one of the most reliably established facts in science, and a central tenet of biology.2

The ultimate goal of these sham textbook reviews — and Texas Board of Education curriculum reform — is to enshrine right-wing ideology into Texas textbooks. What’s worse, because of the scale of production of these textbooks, the dictates of the Texas State Board of Education will be included in textbooks used by millions of students in other states.

We can’t let them get away with replacing long-accepted scientific principles with religious pseudoscience and propaganda.3

Tell textbook publishers to stand up to the Texas Taliban and only publish books that are based on sound, peer-reviewed science scholarship. Click here to sign the petition automatically.

Please click through and sign, or risk today’s cartoon!



Aug 092013

CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics) has completed an extensive study to determine who are America’s eighteen worst governors.  The collection they found should boggle the mind that many are in office instead of a prison cell.  I’m sure you already guessed that seventeen out of the eighteen are Republicans, and the lone Democrat lives in a state, where nobody is allowed to run for office, without first showing proof of corruption.  There is also a quiz to see if you have what it takes to be a Republican governor.

9crewCREW’s second report on the nation’s worst governors includes 18 — six of whom are the worst of the lot, six others whose conduct raises serious questions about their leadership, and six others who engaged in some action suspect enough to suggest their decisions merit close scrutiny.

Download the report by right clicking here.

Some governors on the list essentially turned their authority and regulatory agendas over to special interests. Others abused their office in return for gifts and campaign contributions. Many appointed donors to key positions and gutted transparency measures. All failed to live up to the public trust.

Until publishing its first report on the nation’s worst governors in 2010, CREW primarily focused on the ethics of federal government officials. CREW chose to look at governors because their actions have a major impact on public welfare, but state ethics issues often escape attention.

Now, with Washington mired in partisan gridlock, much of the legislative action takes place at the state level. As a result, it is critical that governors’ conduct be beyond reproach… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CREW>

Here’s the video:

Click Through for detailed analysis on each governor. Then take their quiz. I scored 0 from a Republican perspective.  How did you do?

Correction (8/10):  There were two Democrats not one.  The Governor of KY is such a Koch-bought DINO that I forgot he isn't a Republican… officially, that is.  Apologies.
