Jun 232013


The ongoing war on women keeps bringing us surprise after surprise, and this week has been no exception, in addition to new tyrannical laws in other states, Texas Republicans, after promising that their war on women was over, have attacked afresh, using stealth.  This is crazy!

23texasAfter a raucous night, the House State Affairs Committee met in a small room and approved without discussion three contentious abortion bills.

The House will meet at 2 pm Sunday to debate the bills that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, increase standards for abortion clinics, make doctors who perform abortions gain admitting privileges at an area hospital and mandate protocols — opposed by the American College of OB/GYNs –for pills used to induce abortions.

The three bills were passed along partisan lines.

More than 700 signed up to testify on the three bills and pushed the committee to continue meeting until 3:40 a.m. with hundreds of women and a few men still waiting to testify… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Dallas Morning News>

Rachel Maddow reported on even more TEAbuggery against women and the rest of this story with Texas State Representative Jessica Farrar.

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Now, what we’re seeing in Texas is Stealth War on Women. Even so, Republicans had to commit a crime to pass it out of committee. Kudos to all who protested, provided food, and did everything else to fight this Republican tyranny. Kudos to all who will protest on Sunday.  May there be thousands!

Jun 232013

I’m writing early in what should (hopefully) be a one day heat spell.  It’s just after Noon, and the temperature as already 86° at my desk.  Not fun!  I wish these patches would stop sputtering out.  I’m running out of matches.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 5:36).  To do it, click here.

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: Parts of Alberta, Canada were hit by extreme flooding the size of New York State on Friday, forcing 75,000 to evacuate their homes. Hit by heavy rain, people have abandoned their cars and low-lying residences in flooded waters Mayor Naheed Nenshi described as “an ocean at the moment.”

Across the world, cities in Germany have also been wrecked by flooding — one estimate puts the damage as high as $7.7 billion. Climate science explains that global warming leads to a 5 to 10 percent increase in rainfall, and subsequently leads to a higher risk of flooding.

As Climate Central notes in its reporting on the Calgary floods: “A study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on June 9 found that flood frequency as well as the number of people at risk of inundation from flood events are both likely to increase as the world continues to warm.”

Gee! Increasing temperatures that melt ice caps, putting more water into the world’s weather system actually increases flooding? Who would have imagined!! I know who wouldn’t have!  Scheeeesch!!

From Raw Story: A federal judge slashed 10 years off of his prison sentence of former Enron Corp Chief Executive Jeffrey Skilling on Friday, a decision that could set him free as early as 2017.

U.S. District Judge Simeon Lake reduced his term to 14 years from 24 years, accepting a deal struck between prosecutors and Skilling’s lawyers that will end years of appeals.

Under the deal, more than $40 million of Skilling’s fortune, which has been frozen since his conviction in 2006, will be distributed to victims of Enron’s collapse.

It would have been better to increase Skilling’s sentence each time he refused to return stolen funds to his victims, instead of allowing him to buy a shorter sentence with his ill gotten gains. That’s unequal justice favoring a 1% vulture capitalist.

From YouTube: Senator Jeff Merkley speaks at Netroots Nation 2013.


I promised to bring you Jeff’s keynote speech, when I could. Here it is. It’s worth the 25 minutes. Oregon leads the way!



Note that even the Republican Jobs, Jobs, Jobs from coat hangers have been offshored.

Jun 222013

Here is what really happened.  The House passed a Farm Bill out of committee.  It was too Draconian, but it would have has enough support from Democrats that it would have passed.  However, 62 Republicans proposed an amendment to cut SNAP (food stamps) by even more, $20 billion.  Afraid of opposing InsaniTEA, the rest of the Republicans goose-stepped, and the amendment became part of the bill.  That was a poison pill for Democrats, and most of those who had supported it withdrew their support.  However, Boehner brought the bill to the floor, because with enough Republicans he needs no support from Democrats.  The reason that the bill did not pass is that same Republicans, who proposed the amendment slashing food stamps, stabbed Boehner in the back, by voting against the bill anyway, because they want to steal even more food from the mouths of hungry children.  Now Republican leaders claim it was Democrats, who betrayed Boehner, and that is a lie.  Boehner is a victim of TEAbuggery!  Even the NY Times got this all wrong.

BonerOrangeThe surprise defeat of the farm bill in the House on Thursday underscored the ideological divide between the more conservative, antispending Republican lawmakers and their leadership, who failed to garner sufficient votes from their caucus as well as from Democrats.

The vote against the bill, 234 to 195, comes a year after House leaders pulled the measure off the calendar because conservative lawmakers demanded deeper cuts in the food stamp program and Democrats objected. This year’s measure called for more significant cuts than the Senate bill, but it still did not go far enough to get a majority in the House to support an overhaul of the nation’s food and farm programs. Sixty-two Republicans, or more than a quarter of the caucus, voted with Democrats to defeat the bill.

The failure was a stinging defeat for Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio, who continues to have trouble marshaling the Republican support he needs to pass major legislation. Without the solid backing of his party, Mr. Boehner has to rely on some Democratic support, which deserted him Thursday…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Chris Hayes covered this during All In and later joined Alex Witt on The Last Word.

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Note that Republicans did not join Democrats to help defeat the bill. They wanted to take even more food from the mouths of hungry children. The Democrats voted NO because they don't want to take food from children to provide welfare for pseudo-Christian millionaires like Steve Fincher (R-TN). Chris is right. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

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I am not a big Steny Hoyer fan, but I loved the way he chopped Steve Cantor down to size, explaining how Republicans sabotaged their own bill.  The Republican Party could not survive with a base of billionaires, so they sowed the wind and courted Birchers, the Klan, The extremist-militias, religious extremists, and hatemongers of every kind to swell their base. Now they are inheriting the whirlwind. But the extremists should beware, as should we all, because this has happened before. Consider the Night of the Long Knives.

Jun 222013

Going into day 8, I’m having a major problem with my patches.  Can anyone tell me how to make the damn things stay lit? :-(  We’ve has comments from a right-wing celebrity and his militia.  You may want to revisit Free the ATF!Please remember the rule that here, we treat those with opposing views with respect.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:07 (average 4:25).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football:

We still have room for  two more players in our lefty league.  For more info. click here.

Short Takes:

From KGO-TV: A gathering of liberal bloggers and activists is drawing some big name politicians to San Jose this weekend.


I’ll have Jeff’s video, when I can find it. Once again, Oregon leads the way!

From The Hill: Momentum has shifted in the battle over immigration reform, putting Senate Democrats in a position to pass a bipartisan bill with well over 60 votes.

Republican lawmakers predicted Thursday that as many as 15 Republicans could vote for comprehensive immigration reform legislation, putting the bill’s sponsors in striking distance of their 70-vote goal.

The bill’s sponsors scored a victory Thursday when they announced a deal with Republican Sens. Bob Corker (Tenn.) and John Hoeven (N.D.) to double the number of border patrol agents to 40,000. The compromise also mandates the construction of 700 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border and an increased deployment of surveillance technology.

Since border crossing has equalized in recent years (zero net change), doubling the border agents is a waste of money. After his failure yesterday, I doubt that Boehner will put anything forward in the House without support from a majority of Republicans.  Also, what about those politeness terrorists to the north? 😉

From Washington Post:

Former Vermont governor Howard Dean, who in 2004 lost his bid to become the Democratic presidential nominee, says he’ll consider another run for president in 2016.

Dean — an outspoken liberal — told CNN’s Peter Hamby that he will run if other candidates aren’t addressing the issues that are important to him.

“I am not driven by my own ambition,” Dean said. “What I am driven by is pushing the country in a direction that it desperately needs to be pushed, pushing other politicians who aren’t quite as frank as I am who need to be more candid with the American people about what needs to happen. I am not trying to hedge. It’s a hard job running. It’s really tough. I am doing a lot of things I really enjoy. But you should never say never in this business.”

How interesting! I’m more confident that Hillary could win the General, but Dean’s policies align more closely with my own. If he runs, I will probably support him early, knowing that he has little chance to get the nomination, and in spite of reservations about Hillary, would support her in general election over any Republican.



Jun 212013

I understand that there are places in the Bible that, out of context with the rest of the Bible, make it appear that wives should be submissive to their husbands.  If that’s the way a woman and her husband want to live their lives, I respect that.  However Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity has come up with a new one that I can hardly believe, let alone respect.


It’s just because their husbands love them, and want them to be perfect for Jesus!

On a pain scale of one to 10, Chelsea ranks the epidural-free birth of her child as a six. Her husband’s spankings? Those are an eight.

First, he uses his hands for “warm-up” slaps. Then comes a combination of tools based on the specific infraction. The wooden spoon is the least severe; for the worst rule-breaking—like texting while driving (“It could kill me,” Chelsea admits) or moving money between accounts without his permission—she’ll be hit with something else: a hairbrush, a paddle, or a leather strap.

But this isn’t domestic abuse, Chelsea says. This is for Jesus.

Chelsea and her husband Clint, who asked that I use only their first names, belong to a small subculture of religious couples who practice “Christian Domestic Discipline,” a lifestyle that calls for a wife to be completely submissive to her husband. Referred to as CDD by its followers, the practice often includes spanking and other types corporal punishments administered by husbands—and ostensibly ordained by God.

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Photo credit: The Political Freak Show

Even using the same references that call for obedience, this cannot stand  “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it”  Ephesians 5:25 (KJV) I suppose that for some pseudo-Christians, the love of Republican Supply-side Jesus (NOT the real Jesus) means lock-step obedience or get the crap beaten out of you, but I see it as one small part of the Republican War on Women, given its ties to white nationalism.

Jun 212013

Here are the results of out Big Three poll.


And here are your comments

Posted by ShirleyA. on June 15, 2013 at 8:24 am.  

If "we" as an intelligent, common sensed, STAY INFORMED mass don’t watch EVERY SINGLE move the Right Wing does, we’re in for a world of hurt and it won’t just be our SS savings accounts and social programs that will be undermined and stripped. The Right has set about to take this Nation back to the "good ole days" with the "good ole boys" calling ALL the shots. These people are sick and their fascists tactics and MO are undermining our democracy in individual states and federally. Our rights and freedoms for all of us are being systematically dissolved at every turn they take.

WAKE THE HELL UP RED STATES and the rest of us need to watch and remove Republicans/Tea Party EVERY CHANCE WE GET. They fear mongered, gerrymandered, cheated and lied to get in in 2010 and the knee jerk racist voters and those that DIDN’T go to the polls are the reason we’re literally fighting for our lives now. They’ve been working covertly and quietly for years now in states to gain absolute power. I fear the fate for Virginia, Wisconsin, Minnesota and South Carolina AND this country if they aren’t stopped from the revenge driven, greed driven, power mongering path they are on. VET YOUR CANDIDATES and don’t be fooled by fake Dems or Independents. The Right will run and lie to put THEIR hateful people and policies in place no matter what they have to do.


Posted by Joanne D on May 30, 2013 at 1:59 pm.  

The Rethugs think that they have the elderly in their back pocket and that the poor don’t vote. The 2012 election gave them some reason to examine this, but it was WAY too close in my opinion. And now they are trying to set their beliefs in stone with changes to voting laws. They don’t need a majority – just a majority of voters. What are we doing to prevent this?


Posted by Lisa G. on May 12, 2013 at 1:57 pm.  

If the Repubs cut those benefits, they will not see the presidency until they are restored and every one of them will be voted out of office. The way to fiscal responsibility should not be done on the backs of the elderly and the poor – how about we work on keeping fake wars that have nothing to do with anything off the table. That should save us some pennies.


And with the Repubs relegated to the dust bin of history for cutting necessary benefits, that should be easy enough for us to do.


Posted by Edith Belcher on May 6, 2013 at 11:25 pm.  

I voted "maybe" as the Tea Party is running the Rep. party and they areintent on doing away with anything that helps the poor and middle class. Pres Obama has not helped the cause by agreeing to the CPI



Posted by Jerry Critter on April 11, 2013 at 2:43 pm.  

It is beginning to look like the democrats want to cut them too.



Posted by Rixar13 on April 6, 2013 at 8:09 pm.  

"Will Big Three benefits survive Republican intent to cut them until summer?"


Yes –



Posted by Marva on April 2, 2013 at 10:05 am.  

AARP is against screwing with the big 3. They can mobilize greater outrage than the NRA. And more money.


As the tea-partier’s sign said: Keep the government out of my Medicare!


Posted by mamabear on April 1, 2013 at 3:48 pm.  

I believe they will be saved.



Posted by Angelica on March 31, 2013 at 4:39 pm.  

I have less faith in Obama now that he has allowed chained CPI back on the table. What else will he allow?



Posted by Lynn Squance on March 25, 2013 at 1:58 am.  

I voted "I think so". SS has no impact on the budget so it should be off the table. Period. End of discussion. Medicare and Medicaid are needed for so many Americans and with some of the reforms of the Affordable Care Act that are winding into effect, more and more savings will be seen, but it takes a bit of time. Like Richard, I think Bernie Sanders is an awesome advocate but people need to back him up.



Posted by A lucky republican on March 24, 2013 at 11:10 pm.  

Nobody ever outed him before! His blogging success must be a miracle!

[Link Removed – Self-Nudity SPAM]


Posted by Rixar13 on March 24, 2013 at 8:16 pm.  

Yes with my main advocate Senator Bernie Sanders (I) Vermont…



Posted by dave on March 21, 2013 at 8:36 pm.  

maybe, but honestly not optimistic as the GOP never does what the people want, only what their rich supporters want.


Posted by Lynn Squance in reply to dave on March 25, 2013 at 2:03 am.  

I hear you Dave. Those bastard GOP obstructionists will do anything it seems to satisfy their own lust for power and greed. Hope you’re backing up Bernie Sanders. Go to



Posted by Patty on March 19, 2013 at 5:48 am.  

I really wanted to vote "I hope so".


Largely due to my health, this poll has been up for over three months.  When I returned home from the hospital, I decided to leave it up. because Spring was almost done.  Early on ‘Maybe’ was the favored answer, but as Summer approached, ‘Yes’ eclipsed it in a tight race.  I was actually the first one to vote ‘Yes’ in the beginning, because while so many were screaming that Obama had sold us out, I saw that he was just giving Republicans enough rope to hang themselves.  Now that Spring has sprung, I am very relieved that I was right.  A special note to A Lucky Republican.  Why do you call yourself Lucky, when there isn’t enough there to advertise? 😉

A new poll is up.  Don’t forget to vote!

Jun 212013

I’m writing early, and feeling quite tired today, because a helicopter moved in low over my building at about 5:30 AM and stayed there for almost two hours.  By then I felt too angry to sleep, so I’ll write tomorrow’s (day 7) articles and return to bed.

I’m late because I overslept.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:35 (average 5:27).  To do it. click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Supporters of the United States’ twelve-year quagmire in Afghanistan cheered the news today that the U.S. would strive to achieve a seamless transfer of that quagmire to Syria, effective immediately.

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sought to reassure those who were concerned that the U.S. withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan signalled a wavering of the nation’s commitment to being mired in open-ended military muddles.

“I can tell you, right here and right now, that the U.S. is every bit as determined to engage in an ill-defined, ill-advised and seemingly interminable mission in Syria as we were in Afghanistan,” Gen. Dempsey said. “All that’s changing is the Zip Code.”

I’m sure Dempsey did not say that, but he should have!

From MSNBC: The New GOP Agenda

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I never thought we’ see another serious challenge to Glen Beck for depth of InsaniTEA? Bring on the Cruz Control. Then a parade of wing-nuts piled-on.  Even the de facto head of the Republican Party, Rush Limbarf is jumping in. Obama must have super-socialist/Kenyan power to turn the conservative Republican in charge of that IRS division into an obedient zombie. Comparing these Republicans to schizophrenics is an insult to schizophrenics!

From Weird Facts: Weird Texas Law

  • A recently passed anti-crime laws requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and explain to the nature of the crime about to be comitted [sic].
  • One must acknowledge a supreme being before being able to hold public office.
  • Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos.

Could this be why ladies from Texas can be so …um… boisterous? 😉


