Jan 312012

Nothing could be more simple or more obvious.  It is a grave injustice when people making a million dollars or more pay taxes at a lesser rate than the people in their secretarial pools.  Newt “13.9%” Romney is a perfect example.  In his State of the Union Address, Barack Obama proposed a Buffet Rule to address this.  Republicans booed him.  Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is about to introduce a bill to implement the Buffet Rule.

31WhitehouseWarren Buffett has been talking for months about the unfairness in our tax system, pointing out that his secretary pays more in taxes than he, a billionaire, does. Buffett could be getting his day on the Senate floor, courtesy of Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI).

Last week, Whitehouse announced his intention to introduce a bill that would rectify some of the tax inequality our current system allows. In a conference call with reporters today, he explained his legislation and confirmed that he will introduce it in the Senate this Wednesday.

Using Rhode Island wages as his example, he argued that the top 400 taxpayers in America are paying about the same percentage of income as a truck driver. "In theory," Whitehouse said, "we have a progressive tax code in which the greater income you have, the more you pay in percentage of income. Unfortunately, there are these huge exceptions to the rule of a progressive tax system,” he added. “I hope that many of my colleagues believe that these are loopholes that we can and should close.”

His bill would do that quite simply, without actually rewriting any tax code. Taxpayers making more than $1 million would pay either their regular amount, if it’s 30 percent or over of their income, or if it’s less, 30 percent… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Ed Schultz discusses the Buffet Rule with Robert Reich.

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Let me be clear here.  This will not pass this year.  There is no way that the Republican controlled House will pass a bill that demands that billionaires pay their fair share.  It is likely not to pass next year, even if Democrats take the House in November, there is no way Senate Republicans will not filibuster, unless Democrats change filibuster rules..  To get anything so substantive done, we need a Democrat in the White House, a majority in the House, not counting Blue Dogs, and 60 votes in the Senate, not counting DINOs.  Therefore we need to recognize that this is not just a struggle until November.  We’re in this for the long term.

If you live in Florida or Oregon



Republican Book Burners

 Posted by at 12:10 am  Politics
Jan 312012

Images of Fahrenheit 451 come to mind, so I imagine today’s Republicans will not be the last book burners.  Supply-side pseudo-Christians burned the great Library of Alexandria.  The Nazis burned books that did not support their devious ways.  Here in the US, we have the Republican party, and sadly, Joe McCarthy was not the last,

31BookBurningDuring the height of the Red Scare, as Joseph McCarthy crusaded against all things Communist, including literature, Dwight D. Eisenhower famously urged citizens: “Don’t join the book burners. Don’t think you’re going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don’t be afraid to go in your library and read every book, as long as that document does not offend our own ideas of decency. That should be the only censorship.”

It’s a new century, but the xenophobic misgivings of a few Republicans in key positions has led to the banishment of Mexican-American Studies in Arizona’s public schools.  In 2010 lawmakers John Huppenthal and Tom Horne drafted HB 2281 which decreed that state-run schools were to exclude “any courses or classes that. . .are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group” or “advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.”

Despite the fair-minded rhetoric, this legislation was passed in a state where “illegals” from Mexico are frequently held up by Republican politicians as a menace to society, albeit superficially indistinguishable from the many latinos who immigrated legally or were born in America.  And since the list of verboten books includes works by Mumia Abu Jamal, Howard Zinn and Winona La Duke, the word “ethnic” takes on unsavory political undertones.

The bill even goes as far as to conflate teachers of ethnic studies with terrorists plotting to “promote the overthrow of the United States government.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

There is no excuse for this racist Republican war against ideas.  They must be kept out of power, because a government that censors thought is a Reich, not a Republic.

Jan 312012

Yesterday, I wrote a letter to the Parole Board on behalf of one of the prisoners I serve.  I also worked on the website of the non-profit group behind my prison activities.  I made a big kettle of rice and beans.  It is responsible for the green cloud that proves I support green energy.  I’m current with replies.  Today I plan to get a haircut.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:43 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From realrepubs.com: Who wants to build a risky, dirty 1,700 mile oil pipeline across America’s heartland? Big Oil and their lobbyists, that’s who. Guess who else? Their political puppets.

The Republican presidential candidates have a lot to say about how much they love the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. But there’s a few crucial facts that just don’t seem to come out of their mouths. They don’t say that the pipeline is hauling highly toxic crude over some of our nation’s most critical water sources. They fail to mention how the first Keystone pipeline caused fourteen oil spills since 2010. And they NEVER say how much money Big Oil companies have given their campaigns.


Hat-Tip: CaityJ (aka Caitlin)

There can be no doubt that one party, with exceptions, opposes Keystone XL, and one demands it.

From The Onion: WAR FOR THE WHITE HOUSE!!! Diebold accidently leaks 2012 election results


The reality behind this issue is what makes the clip effective satire.

From PRWatch: South Carolina is again considering a bill from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to limit access to the ballot box. A nearly identical version of an ALEC voting bill is moving through the state Senate and comes on the heels of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) blocking South Carolina’s ALEC-inspired voter ID law as discriminatory against people of color.

It appears that there is nothing Republicans won’t do to steal the votes of students, workers, the elderly, the disabled, and especially minorities.




The Need for Glass-Steagall

 Posted by at 12:02 am  Politics
Jan 302012

I remember saying, over and over again, during the Bush Regime, that we had such fond memories of Bill Clinton,k only because he benefited from comparison to his successor, the worst President in US history.  If fact, Clinton was the most conservative Democratic president in my lifetime, that goes back to Harry Truman.  In my opinion, his worst policy was to support the removal of Glass-Steagall, the law that separated commercial banks and investment banks.  One Democrat led the unsuccessful fight to prevent that and continues to lead the fight to restore it.  He talked to Bill Moyers.

30DorganBill Moyers talks with former Senator Byron Dorgan about making sure big banks play by rules that protect consumers from financial calamity, and how those big banks continue to leverage power and influence to avoid responsibility while maximizing profits. Dorgan was a nearly-lone voice in Congress in 1999 when he predicted economic calamity following a repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act and its protective measures. But given the economic meltdown nearly 10 years later, it turned out to be one of the most prescient speeches in American political history.

“If you were to rank big mistakes in the history of this country,” Dorgan tells Moyers, “that was one of the bigger ones, because it has set back this country in a very significant way and caused so much heartbreak and heartache, and a near total collapse of the American economy.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Truth-out>

Here’s the video.

Obama and almost every Democrat supported both of those Dorgan amendments to Dodd-Frank, which would have broken up the TBTF banks and made Dodd-Frank much stronger.  Although many blame Obama, the real blame belongs to the Republican Party, who filibustered and goose-stepped unanimously against them, plus the two DINOs that goose-stepped with the Republicans.  They were Joe LIEberman (ASSHOLE-CT) and “Benedict” Nelson (TURNCOAT-NE).  The votes fell one short of sixty.

The primary functions of Investment bankers are to provide venture capital and to speculate.  The primary functions of commercial bankers are to hold people’s accounts and to lend.  Under Glass-Steagall deposits supported lending, which when done properly is safer, but produces lower returns, while investments supported speculation, which is more risky with a potential for higher returns.  Without Glass-Steagall to keep those functions separate, Banksters can use deposits for high risk speculation, leaving little funds for normal lending.

Dodd-Frank did some good things, but we need Glass-Steagall back in addition to other reforms to curb Bankster predation on US citizens.


Impeach Obama?

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Jan 302012

Republicans often provide us with a sense of déjà vu, as they resort to draconian practices in ways that we have seen before.  Whatever Bill Clinton’s shortcomings, he did nothing worthy of impeachment, such as starting lengthily wars of aggression, torture, or using the federal bureaucracy in an attempt to attain a permanent Republican regime at taxpayer expense.  Nevertheless, they did impeach Clinton, just to gridlock the government and prevent him from achieving more of his objectives.  That time may well come again.

Was4443134Anti-tax activist Grover Norquist has long held a tight grip on the marionette strings of the GOP. Wielding undue influence as the head of the Americans for Tax Reform, Norquist ensures that Republican lawmakers sign his anti-tax pledge and threatens them with electoral defeat should they even think of deviating from it. Norquist has marked a successful few years, killing the deficit super committee agreement, batting down a tax increase on millionaires, and, of course, ensuring the extension of the Bush tax cuts.

Pleased with his headway, Norquist is now mapping out how he can ensure further anti-tax victories by securing Republican majorities. In an interview with the National Journal, he mused that a GOP mandate would obviously enact an extension of the Bush tax cuts, work to maintain a repatriation holiday for corporate profits, and even pass House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan that jeopardizes Medicare. But when asked what Republicans should do if faced with a Democratic majority that won’t keep the tax cuts, Norquist had a simple answer: “impeach” Obama [Propaganda delinked]… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Norquist and his Republican toadies could care less that Obama has done nothing worthy of impeachment, save offending their racism by committing the heinous crime of being elected while black.

Note that every priority Norquist listed benefits the 1% at YOUR expense.  Norquist knows that Democrats will represent YOU, because otherwise, there is no need for the threat.


Open Thread–1/30/2011

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 302012

Yesterday I did some volunteer paperwork and watched the Pro Bowl.  I’m current with replies.  Today I am writing a letter to the Parole Board on behalf of one of my guys and doing more paperwork.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:47 (average 4:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Why Elizabeth Warren Is Our #1 Choice For Anything She Decides To Run For

She has my support!

From Daily Kos: And now, presenting the most certifiably ridiculous opinion column ever produced. Credit for the feat goes to Fox News personality and psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow, who as a Fox News psychiatrist probably has his work cut out for him on a daily basis. But this? No, this takes the cake. The ten-tiered, banana-tapioca-infused cake [Faux Noise delinked]: Newt Gingrich’s three marriages mean he might make a strong president – really

Incredible!  No wonder Faux Noise viewers are the least informed people in the nation.

From USA Today: A procedural vote Monday would allow the Senate later this week to pass a bill prohibiting members of Congress from using nonpublic information for their own personal benefit or "tipping" others to inside information that they could trade on.

Insider trading laws apply to all Americans, but CBS’ "60 Minutes" in November said members of Congress get a pass, citing investment transactions by party leaders and a committee chairman in businesses about to be affected by pending legislation.

It’s a small step in the right direction, but much more is needed.




GOP Voter Fraud Claim Was Bogus

 Posted by at 12:13 am  Politics
Jan 292012

In their ongoing attempt to steal the right to vote from students, workers, the disabled, and minorities, Republicans have been quick to make false allegations of voter fraud, despite conclusive evidence from a DOJ investigation that voter fraud accounts for less than one ten thousandth of one percent, a statistically insignificant amount.  South Carolina’s new voter ID law is so draconian that DOJ has blocked it’s implementation on Constitutional grounds.  In response SC Republicans are claiming over 900 dead people voted in the recent primary, and trotted out their six best examples.  The truth here is almost comical.

29HaleyHatThe highlight of last week’s War on Voting was South Carolina’s Attorney General Alan Wilson claiming that 900 dead people voted in "recent" elections in his state based on data from the DMV. The South Carolina legislature, of course, jumped on the claim.

Remember, the Department of Justice has blocked South Carolina from implementing a voter ID bill passed last year under the Voting Rights Act, arguing that the new law would create an unconstitutional impediment to voting by certain groups. The state is fighting back, hence this hearing. Which didn’t go exactly as planned.

State Election Commission director Marci Andino testified that some of the voters the DMV data said were dead are very much alive – and were eligible to cast a ballot. […]

In a news release that election agency spokesman Chris Whitmire handed out prior to the hearing, the agency disputed the claim that dead people had voted. One allegedly dead voter on the DMV’s list cast an absentee ballot before dying; another was the result of a poll worker mistakenly marking the voter as his deceased father; two were clerical errors resulting from stray marks on voter registration lists detected by a scanner; two others resulted from poll managers incorrectly marking the name of the voter in question instead of the voter above or below on the list.

The attorney general’s office had only given the State Election Commission six names off its list of 950 or so names to examine. The agency found every one of them to be alive and otherwise eligible to vote, except for the one who had voted before dying.

… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

How dare that voter have the audacity to die before election day!  It must have been a Librul Alinsky Conspiracy!

Are Republicans really seeing dead people,  or are they the frauds?

It appears to me is that the only voter fraud going on here is Republican fraud about voters.

Why is it that one party works to make sure that everyone gets to exercise their right to vote and the other party tries to take away people’s right to vote?


Is Fitzwalkerstan Doomed?

 Posted by at 12:12 am  Politics
Jan 292012

In the Totalitarian Corporate Plutocracy of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, things are not going the way Fartfuhrer Walker would like them, either on the popularity front or the criminal investigation front.  It is so grim, that I understand the Fartfuhrer is in hiding.  On the popularity front, John Nichols has excellent news.

GOPWiscFlag…So here’s what we know:

1. If you add up all the caucus and primary votes that have been cast so far for Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, the former Rick Perry, the former Jon Huntsman, the former Michele Bachmann and the eternal Buddy Roemer, they still have not attracted as much support as has the drive to recall Scott Walker.

2. If you compare the percentage of the electorate in the three caucus and primary states that has expressed support for all the Republicans who would be president, it is dramatically lower than the percentage of the Wisconsin electorate that wants to recall Scott Walker.

3. If you add the total number of names on petitions filed January 17 to recall other Republicans in Wisconsin—Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, state Senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald and three of Fitzgerald’s colleagues—the total number of signatures filed in support of the recall of Walker and his cronies is close to 1,940,000. That figure is just about double the number of votes cast in all the Republican presidential contests for all the Republican presidential candidates so far this year.

Conclusion: if the Republican presidential race is a serious endeavor, the Wisconsin drive to recall Scott Walker, Rebecca Kleefisch, Scott Fitzgerald and their compatriots is doubly serious. And far, far more popular with the available electorate… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

On the criminal front, Ed Schultz sheds more light on the depth of corruption surrounding Walker, as he interviews John Nichols.

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I find it inconceivable that Walker was not completely involved.  Wouldn’t it be great if Walker could step from office directly into a cell?
