Another Ringer from Fox

 Posted by at 4:18 am  Politics
Apr 232011

How many times have you studied the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox, seen an interview of someone purported to be just an everyday taxpayer, homeowner, worker, parent, or whatever to later find out that the person was a ringer, a paid professional activist there with the sole purpose of brainwashing sheeple with the Republican party line?  I have all too often.  This time they presented a Tea Party Media Specialist as an upset mom.

Fox-sheepFox & Friends interviewed a well-spoken attractive mom this morning who was upset about her first-grader’s participation in an Earth Day program. The children had been taught a song with these lyrics:

Recycle, bicycle, don’t you drive by yourself

Don’t buy those plastic products on the supermarket shelf.

Boycott, petition, let the big business know

That if we mess it up here

there’s nowhere else we can go.

The question Fox talkers and their viewers all want to know: Are these kids being educated or indoctrinated?

Rachael Proctor[Teabagger delinked] is an attractive, well-spoken woman. In fact, when I saw her interview I wondered if she worked in media somewhere in Tennessee, because she was obviously quite comfortable in the interview with nice, clip-worthy answers at the ready for the questions tossed at her.

As it turns out, she does work in media. As the communications director for Tea Party candidate Donn Janes in 2010, she wrote press releases like this one [Propaganda delinked]. She also co-hosts a Tea Party radio show [Teabuggery delinked] with Mark Herr (FreedomWorks member page) [Teabagger delinked]  for the Mid-South Tea Party, and is the President of [Corporate criminal front group delinked], a non-profit organization "supported by the generous contributions of individuals, corporations and foundations." On the MidSouth Tea Party site, she is listed as a steering committee member [Teabagger delinked]… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video:

Note that she repeatedly lies, saying the song says “boycott big business”.  It does not.  I have boycotted small local businesses with no big corporate ties on more than one occasion.  It says to let big business know.  What this fraud and the Republican party really object to is the environmental science that could inoculate children from their lying propaganda.


  2 Responses to “Another Ringer from Fox”

  1. Yes sir it is wrong to boycott big business. Now that they are human that is like kicking your neighbor in the nuts.

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