How Fox Attacks the Poor

 Posted by at 4:47 am  Politics
Apr 182011

From time to time, I actually turn on the Republican Ministry of Propaganda as research.  I watch, look for proof of the opposite of what they say, and seldom have difficulty finding it.  Here they trash recipients of food stamps.


I’m not sure who watches these Saturday morning "business" shows on Fox besides those of us that monitor the media on a regular basis, but I’ve got to wonder just who the producers of Fox’s horrid Cashin’ In think they’re appealing to with segments like this?…


Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Where do they get their token liberals.  Notice how she shut-up on cue, when interrupted, just as getting to her point?  They agreed that people need to eat, but suggested charity should feed them.  Maybe that will work in the mythical homeland of Fauxtopia, but where I live, the charities are working overtime and unable to meet the needs of people meet the needs of the hungry formerly working victims of the Republican recession.  Clinton’s welfare reforms worked, not because of the reforms themselves, but because his economic policies created jobs in record numbers.

Maybe these Republican propagandists should try to feed their families on food stamps for a few months.  Then they would understand that, other that people unable to work, hardly anyone would choose food stamps over work.

Then they compounded their lie, by falsely claiming that Social Security is a welfare program.  How do they call it welfare when we spend all our working lives paying for it?


  6 Responses to “How Fox Attacks the Poor”

  1. Altho there ARE welfare cheats everywhere, in MY area most of the folks that get food stamps NEED them. While the Corporate Fat Cats line their pockets with profits (& fraud), they ARE NOT hiring like their tax cuts suggest! The small town Corporate folks I know are taking vacations & complaining about Obama’s price of gas whilst driving their Suburbans & Hummers! They use the tax cuts to work less & bask more!

  2. a suggestion: spend one full day in the welfare; dept of public aide , office–just observing ; then give an opinion; btw it is your right to do that–just tell worker why you are there and don’t cause trouble-

  3. Well, the Democrats had two years to turn things around, but not only did the DINOs blow it by selling out to the wealthy elite, again, but they also threw the Progressive Democrats under the bus. That’s why the Progressive Democrats stayed home on Election Day last year.

    Obama and the DINOs are in for a rude awakening if they think the Progressive Democrats will come out in large numbers and vote for them. Last November was their wake up call, but all the DINOs did was hit the snooze bar.

    • Kevin, I somehow remember hundreds of bills passed in the House that died in the Senate, because of Republican filibusters. For the brief time that we had a 60 vote majority bills were stopped by DINOs Nelson (NE), Lincoln (AR), and LIEbershit (hell). Lincoln is gone. I support getting rid of the DINOs, but if Obama wins the nomination, compare Sotomayor and Kagan with Roberts and Alito. I don’t believe you are a fool, but only a fool would throw it to the Republicans and get more like Roberts and Alito on SCOTUS. One more, and America is over.

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