Oct 272010

Yesterday I posted an Action Alert, as soon as I heard of this.  I see that Rand has already squelched Bold Progressive’s video, which I embedded, but I have more.  In a nutshell, two Rand Paul campaign workers, one of whom remains unidentified and the other a county campaign manager, brutally assaulted Lauren Valle, a RepubliCorp volunteer to silence her.

27lauren_valle I hope the cops arrest this guy. What is it about even the mildest opposition that sends right wingers over the edge?

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB Fox 41) — Outside the Conway-Paul debate, a Rand Paul supporter pulled the woman’s blonde wig off and stomped on her head. She was representing the liberal organization MoveOn.org and claimed to be presenting Paul with an award from RepubliCorp. That’s a group created by MoveOn.org that focuses on what it calls the merger between corporate America and the Republican Party.

"I’m here to present Rand Paul with the ‘Employee of the Month’ award, however his supporters were not very nice to me and my message which is same as everyone else. I got my head stepped on and I have a bit of a headache," said Lauren Valle, MoveOn.org.

The woman denied police were involved, but right afterwards officers pulled her aside to question her about the incident.

… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

RepibliCorp performs skits for videos satirizing the merging between the Republican Party and giant criminal corporations. Here’s an example of their fine work.

Paul’s Brownshirts knew who she is and what she was doing there.  The claims of Paul’s county campaign manager, the one that stomped on her head, that he was concerned for Paul’s safety is a lie.  They mugged her to silence her.  Hear it in her own words in this Keith Olbermann interview.

object width="592" height="346" id="msnbc321c3c" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" target="_blank" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=10,0,0,0">

Although Paul has since fired the creep, after several attempts to blame the violence on both sides.  He has not offered an authentic apology to date.

Republicans take power, the Brownshirts will replaced with the GOP SS, Blackwater, aka Xe.



  34 Responses to “Rand’s Republican Brownshirts Strike”

  1. Hey Bro I’m back. I’m glad you wrote about this. As always you did I good job doing so. Keep up the good fight. Thanks for your support.
    Tim 😉

  2. Pretty tough couple of guys to take down a fairly petite young woman who was expressing a first amendment right. But then so far some teaheads have PROVEN they have not even read the constitution that purport to be defending. I wonder if that fat ass old man would have taken on a veteran who was more his size and willing to fight back? I know his boot would not have wound up on my neck from any camera angle but he would look pretty funny with it sticking up his own ass.

    What kills me most about these people who so vehemently despise social liberalism is their leadership has thus fgar for the most art taken multiple student deferments to not have to go to Viet Nam or serve their country in any way that was boots on the ground.

    What kind of men are these in that crowd that would stand back and watch a 260 pound pair of men beat a woman? Is this the type of person, even though publicly both approved of and disavowed by the Rand campaign that is what the right side calls the “will of the people.”

    OK men if the right gains power you will then have free rein to beat your [s]**chattel**[/s] women to submission. Vote Republican!

  3. This is the Mother Lode of Reich-Wing Spin:

    [1] Rand Paul goes to new depths of depravity by forgoing the standard “I’m sorry if what my supporters did offends anyone…” to widening the net of wrongful acts to “both sides” which was clearly caused by a “daze of lights flashing”

    [2] Then head-stomper Tim Profitt (Rand’s former Bourbon County campaign coordinator) breaks new ground with “The camera angle made it look worse than what it was.” Although the concussion that Lauren Valle suffered clearly moves that statement into the “Pants on Fire” category of lies

    [3] WKYT out of Lexington is now reporting that Profitt, realizing he’s in Epic Fail mode, has kicked it up a notch with the unbelievable explanation of “I feared for his [Paul’s] safety.” (Ms. Valle was, after all, armed with a blonde wig.)

    [4] Still coming up short, Profitt breaks new ground explaining why Ms. Valle’s face repeatedly forced itself into his boot “Because he can’t bend over because of back problems.”

    Source for 3 & 4:

    But wait, the lunatics aren’t done yet! From Freeperville the meme now is that Profitt’s actions were all “just misunderstood” – and besides, his head-stomping was the perfect thing to do because Ms. Valle was a “Squeaky Fromme wannabe” and needed to be put down. (As most of you will remember, Squeaky Fromme was a member of the Manson family who attempted to assassinate Pres. Ford.)

    Link to Freeperville for documentation of their lunacy – TC, feel free to delete it:

    One is left with no choice but to file all this under “Un-Fricking-Believable”

  4. I hear the guy who held her down for him was wearing a “Don’t tread on me” button.

  5. “What kind of men are these in that crowd that would stand back and watch a 260 pound pair of men beat a woman? ”

    Spiteful and/or cowardly men, I guarantee you.

  6. All very valid points and I agree with all you guys (since I mentioned most of them in my post last night 😉 ). I’m sure he’ll be arrested today for assault and battery and the Lauren can sue the shit out of the Rand Paul campaign. THAT would make my day. 👿

  7. Republicans are such losers and they can’t stand to lose.

  8. So much for the Constitution and First Amendment rights. The statement that she may have posed a threat to Rand Paul, with her being a 110 pound young lady with only a sign in her hands, speaks volumes about the far-right Republican and Tea Party’s hysteria and paranoia. Such brutal tactics are definitely reminiscent of Hitler’s Brownshirts, and THEY DO NOT BELONG HERE IN THIS COUNTRY!

  9. Boy&Howdy….. am I proud to be an American!
    “WTF” 🙄

  10. When we call these Reich Wingers fascists, it is for this very clear reason. They are fascists. I’m afraid this will only be the tip of the iceberg of much more fascist violence to come.

  11. The two brownshirt thugs 😈 👿 are Domestic Terrorists and can be sent to prison for a very long time 😯 🙁

    Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: “(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”[

  12. Infidel took my comment! 🙂

    Yes, the thug wants Lauren to apologize to HIM! What a bunch of sicko thugs!

  13. Hotair / Michelle Malkin / Redstate predictably are chock full of conservatives heroes defending this man. Conservatives are rank hypocrites and disgustingly project their evil beliefs onto everyone.

    This is what we have to look forward to under Republican governance. It’s all out there and readily available.Schutzstaffel Republicans are letting Americans know what type of hateful government they are going to run. Republican control will mean an End to Social Security, to Medicare, Destruction of the Department of Education, Criminalizing Abortion, Incarceration for Homosexuals, a Repeal Civil Rights, the Enshrinement of oppressive christian dogma, the Elimination fair wages and pensions, and Increase the retirement age till you drop dead on the line…

  14. Try jamming a sign into a political candidate’s face through the open window of their car and see what happens. Is this a First Amendment right? Just ask Squeaky Fromme. She didn’t even have a bullet in the chamber of her gun and went to jail for 35 years. Then try to break through security and attack the candidate a second time. Lauren Valle is a Lib hero. Too bad she couldn’t have stabbed Rand Paul right in the face with her sign. Especially considering what was about to happen to her.

    • Tommie, if you actually believe that, you’ve believed a lie. I saw the video leading up to the attack on her, and she never got anywhere near Paul’s window. Paul was out of the car and moving away before Profitt stomped her head.

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