Sep 172010

Christine O’Donnell claims that scientists have bred genetically engineered mice with fully functioning human brains.  Is she right?  Maybe so!  Here’s proof that it’s been done with a rat.



  12 Responses to “What Have Those Socialist Scientists Done?!!?”

  1. Except in DE let’s do what we can to make this chick yesterdays news. Stick her on Fox and let them crow to themselves. She’s just a not bad looking but still odoriferous piece of insane trough sucking shit to me.

  2. I doubt what Karl Rove has could be considered a “fully functioning brain”. But other that that, it seems perfectly plausble. Just don’t let him out of his cage because I have a feeling he bites HARD! 😆

  3. I honestly have NO idea how Christine O’Donnell knew (lord knows she’s more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal), but now that’s she’s spilled the beans about the cross-breeding of mice with human brains, I feel the weight of the world has been lifted since she’s outed me.

    I know I have said I’m a retired physician living in the Midwest and in my early 60’s – but they’re lies … all LIES! I’m actually a mouse spawned from my mouse mom and a donor – ahhh … wiggling whatyamacallit – unknowingly obtained by surreptitious means from PoliticalPlus founder, TomCat (which I attribute to my superior intelligence 😉 ).

    I’m not sure if I’d be classified as a muman or a hice, but I know that all you fans of the Oscar-winning movie “Chinatown” can relate when TomCat, after learning of my existence, tries to explain our relationship that I’m his brother [slap] his son [slap] his brother [slap] his son [slap]

    But I truly want to thank Christine enabling me to come out and expose myself (OK, maybe not the phrase Christine would want me to use – but I say screw her! OK, once again maybe not the phrase …) as a mouse with a human brain.

    It’s been a double blessing, because not only am I now free to live my life out in the open, but I’m also a DEMOCRATIC MOUSE – and damn proud of it, too! So take that, Christine, and stuff it in your (well, never mind that part) when you LOSE this November, you ignorant Teahadist!

    And I know that you’re curious, given Christine’s sexual obsession, whether a mouse can … you know, “please himself”? 😳 Well, let me assure you we mice are quite proficient at preventing what you folks refer to as “hairy palms”. 😆 (OK, OK – maybe a little TMI … but you asked!)

  4. There’s nothing new about commie scientists tampering with species and genetic engineering. Remember in 1958, when they grafted a human head onto a fly. Anyone who’s of a certain (late middle) age remembers when that poor fly got caught in a spider web, and we heard that squeaky little voice calling “Help me! Help me!”

  5. I can’t tell the difference, to be honest.

  6. “She’s … not bad looking…”

    Turn off the lower head and start using the upper one!!!

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