Jul 222010

The professional smear campaign that Resulted in the firing of Shirley Sherrod, which I covered yesterday, was not an isolated incident.  It was part of an ongoing campaign of lies to stir fear and inspire racism, a desperation tactic of the Republican party through their agents, Andrew Breitbart and Fox News.  Why?  They have nothing else to offer.

Rachel Maddow lays it out in detail.

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And what is Breitbart’s latest lie?

GOPRacism3 A hoax by the farmer’s wife, that is. Or, rather, "farmer’s wife":

Speaking with CNN’s John King, right-wing provocateur Andrew Breitbart challenged Eloise Spooner’s “purported” story, accusing King of trusting Sherrod “that the ‘farmer’s wife’ is the farmer’s wife”:

You tell me as a reporter how CNN put on a person today who purported to be the farmer’s wife? What did you do to find out whether or not that was the actual farmer’s wife? I mean, if you’re going to accuse me of a falsehood, tell me where you’ve confirmed that had this incident happened 24 years ago. […]

You’re going off of her word that the farmer’s wife is the farmer’s wife?

Yes, that "farmer’s wife" is obviously not really the farmer’s wife, since she has defended Shirley Sherrod:

Sherrod, "kept us out of bankruptcy," said Eloise Spooner, 82, of Iron City in southwest Georgia. Spooner, in an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, added she considers Sherrod a "friend for life." She and her husband, Roger Spooner, approached Sherrod for help in 1986 when Sherrod worked for a nonprofit that assisted farmers.

But since we all know that Sherrod is the Worst Racist Ever, obviously this "farmer’s wife" is lying…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

After Breitbart’s lies were exposed, the bastard first claims that he was going after NAACP racism, not Sherrod.  But the video clearly show that there was no racism displayed at that meeting.  So he next claims that the farmer’s wife is a phony.  I hope Sherrod sues him.

Democrats need to grow a spine.  I want so see Barack Obama calling out Andrew Breitbart and Fox News for the warped, lying bigots they are.

But the best commentary on this issue came from Keith Olbermann, breaking from his vacation to do it.  If you watch no other video on this site, watch this.

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He rests my case.


  12 Responses to “Lies, Fear and Racism: The Republican Reason”

  1. I saw Keith’s commentary last night. I was in tears. He is so right on about the feelings we lefties have about Obama not using his “bully pulpit” to squash the scurrying rats. When will he, and the rest of the Dems with only a few exceptions, fight back?

  2. Obama needs to not only issue an apology, but give her her job back back and any lost back pay and probably a raise. What an asinine thing to do – listen to Fox and base a judgement off of that.

  3. The Far Right has found the perfect recipe: A few shrieking demagogues, a few slippery behind-the-scenes shit-stirrers, and millions of bone-stupid uneducated morons who fall hook line and sinker for every soundbite and every fake “news” story.

  4. Breitbart is a despicable liar (but he’s damn good at it). He actually had the chutzpah to claim at the very opening of his willful deception that “Context is everything!”

    What an ass!

    For reference, Media Matters put together a useful timeline of the unfolding of the shameful and purposeful Breitbart-Fox hit on Ms. Sherrod:


  5. You know, Faux Noise ‘dominating numbers’ are around 3 million for some of their more popular shows. That basically means that 1% of the US population is now, officially, making the decisions for 99% of the US population.

    Make sure you get out there in November and vote for your Jellyfish Jackass nominee! They will do so much for you… Oh.. Wait… MAYBE they MIGHT do SOMETHING for you. (Which TC will quickly point out is better than the alternative, to which I have no argument. Only tears.)

    Thanks, Useless Jellyfish Jackasses for almost thinking about having a spine and an independent thought. Thanks for almost nothing but shame and lite beer bills (mostly water).

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