Nov 182018

I feel very sick, and I’m going back to bed.  Hugs.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:40 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



  12 Responses to “Personal Update – 11/18/2018”

  1. One time I took my kitty Ragamuffin to the vet, and the doc needed a stool sample. You should have seen how Rags reacted to getting something stuck Up There!

  2. Take as long as you need to get back on-board… stay hydrated, and nap frequently. 
    Take care, Tom!!! 

  3. Sorry to hear that you’re not feeling better. I hope you do get some sleep and see if it helps. Otherwise, maybe you need to be seen by your family doctor.
    Take care. Pray you get better soon.

  4. 4:24 Srsly. We know you don’t eat your kinfolk.

    Very sorry indeed you aren’t feeling well. Do take care of yourself!

    Cartoon –


  5. Hoping you are feeling better, by now.

  6. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest and stay hydrated.

  7. Happy to read that you took yourself to bed again; of course not happy at all that you’re feeling so dreadful. Please contact your GP if it doesn’t let up soon and certainly if it gets any worse.

  8. Priority #1:

    Take Care of Yourself

    If your symptoms persist or worsen, SEEK MEDICAL HELP!

    Do NOT try to be a “Hero”

  9. Puzzle — 3:39  JD is correct . . . you don’t usually take on your kin.  But just in case, if in your weakened state you decide to throw all caution to the wind, this guy seems ready to take you on!

    Glad you went back to bed!  Rest and liquids (not coffee) are the best healers, but if necessary, seek medical attention.  Trump is, at this point, around for another 2 years . . . unfortunately.

  10. I hope you are home and well soon.

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