Trump the Fool!

 Posted by at 12:43 pm  Politics
Jul 122018

The only way to to graph Trump’s foreign policy performance is as an asymptotic equation approaching infinitely bad.  His horrid example at NATO fits that pattern.  He is doing everything inhumanly possible to alienate every friend we have.  And he claims victories to describe his failures.


Donald Trump took to the stage in Belgium to crow about how he scored a major foreign relations victory in getting NATO allies to increase their military budgets—by questioning the value of NATO and threatening to leave the vital military alliance. However, other NATO leaders are already disputing Trump’s statements, making his “victory” over NATO appear as illusory as his “agreement” with North Korea.

After two days in which Trump attacked multiple allies, particularly Germany, and denied that NATO had any value to the United States, Thursday morning he suddenly appeared to make an unscheduled speech, where he declared he has solved the problem of NATO.

Trump: Yesterday I let them know that I was extremely unhappy with what was happening … They have substantially upped their commitment and now we’re very happy and have a very, very  powerful, very, very strong NATO.


Trump tweeted overnight that NATO countries had to up their military budgets “immediately,” perhaps missing that bit where, in democratic nations, leaders don’t have instant, unchecked power to make such commitments. But where Trump’s appearance at last year’s NATO fiasco could be passed off as Trump simply not understanding how the alliance worked or was financed, that was obviously not the case this time.

Instead, Trump set out to “solve NATO” as he solves every other problem. First create the problem, then pretend it’s fixed. Then accept the applause. In this case, Trump didn’t name any country that had upped its commitment to NATO, or point to any real change that had resulted in NATO now “running like a machine” and being “much stronger than it was two days ago.” However, he did toss on more numbers about how much of Germany was controlled by Russia—all of them simply invented.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports that other NATO leaders are already stepping forward to deny they’ve changed their commitment for military spending… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

World, please be patient with us.  The American people who think are trying to undo Trump’s Republican Reich.  Whatever boycotts or sanctions you deem necessary, I ask for mercy to the people by targeting Trump’s assets.




  12 Responses to “Trump the Fool!”

  1. I really don’t know what anyone can say about him, and particularly about this display of – surrealism. I also have no words to apologize adequately to the rest of the world. Tell you what, though – Orange Judas is living proof that liberals are not violent!

  2. When I initially saw this on tv, yesterday in the a.m., my head exploded. I’ve since recovered, but just barely. A child in kinder would have behaved and spoke better than this clown. Gawd help us all.

  3. Re: the photo of Drumpf clutching the US flag

    I am not an American but I feel offended for truly patriotic Americans seeing Drumpf clutching the US flag.  It just makes me want to barf all over him!  It is nothing more than a prop for him, helping him to prey on real Americans.  That is all optics, playing to his rabid base of deplorables, not love of country.  If I ever met him, I would want to rip that US flag pin from his lapel.  He does not deserve to have it let alone wear it.

    “Trump: Yesterday I let them know that I was extremely unhappy with what was happening … They have substantially upped their commitment and now we’re very happy and have a very, very  powerful, very, very strong NATO.”

    Isn’t that interesting.  How about this headline from Newsweek:

    Report: Trudeau Defies Trump at NATO Meeting, Cuts Military Spending

    The cuts are from one off items that are not expected to re-occur, but that will be lost on the Orange Ogre!

    I can have patience with the people, even the Drumpf base who have been lied to and manipulated, but not with the Orange Ogre or congressional Republicans.

    As I said yesterday in Only Four!:

    “This is a big global human rights abuse and I would love to see Drumpf, Sessions and the entire Republican party which allowed this to happen, to stand trial in The Hague for crimes against humanity.

  4. This excuse for a president is showing just how totally crazy he is, on an international stage.  I never thought SOOOOO many Americans, his supporters, could be so intensely, so stubbornly stupid, as to continue the support.

  5. That picture is utterly spot-on! The only time tRump is not a national disgrace is when he’s asleep.

  6. After a few days of embarrassment on the continent, Drumpf went over to the UK, but not before telling journalists in Brussels that PM May did a bad job on Brexit, and he would have done it much better. He had told her how to do it, but she just wouldn’t listen. All the while May was doing her best preparing a grand tour for him with lots of military parades.

    All the photos we get to see of Drumpf these days in Brussels are people around him looking the other way, not meeting his eye because they are so embarrassed by his presence, his big mouth and his failure to listen to anyone. I don’t think anyone but Putin will be asking Drumpf for tea any time soon.

  7. Ughhhh it was all on our local news… CRINGE!!!!
    A nice tweet to trump ;
    David Allen‏ @maestroallen
    Award-Winning Music Composer. Specialises in Film Music & Choral Music. Organist with @magschoir.
    Hundreds & hundreds of protestors outside #BlenheimPalace making an amazing noise! Incredible atmosphere! So proud to be here! No, @realDonaldTrump, Britons do NOT like you or your racist immigration policies. #HeyHoRacistTrumpHasGotToGo #TrumpUKVisit

  8. He shames us every day!

  9. Thanks, Amen, and path crossing hugs to all! 20

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